We're Not Afraid To Die... If We Can All Be Together for class 11 English CBSE (Summary, Detailed Explanation, NCERT Solution, Question-Answer & Word-Meaning )
By Gordon Cook and Alen East
Introduction of “We Are Not Afraid to Die..." If We Can All Be Together”
The story “We’re Not Afraid to Die... If We Can All Be Together” is by Gordon Cook and Alan East. The story highlights if we are hopeful we can achieve anything. It is the best example of hope against hopelessness. The story also depicts that if there is a combined effort, nothing is impossible.
Summary of We’re Not Afraid To Die ………………..If We Can All Be Together”
In July 1976, the narrator, a 37-year-old businessman, his wife Mary, and their two children, Jonathan (6) and Suzanne (7), started a challenging journey from Plymouth, England, to duplicate Captain James Cook's round-the-world voyage. The narrator and his wife had spent 16 years honing their sailing skills before setting off on their well-equipped boat, Wavewalker.
They had planned to travel 105,000 kilometres. The first part of their journey ended when they reached Cape Town. They engaged two crewmen, Herb Seigler and Larry Vigil, in Cape Town.
However, the voyage took a dangerous turn as they faced severe gales in the southern Indian Ocean. Despite unfavourable weather conditions, they celebrated Christmas and New Year, On January 2, the weather worsened. A huge wave struck Wavewalker, causing it severe damage. Despite the tough situation, the narrator, his wife, and two crewmen, Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler, worked tirelessly to prevent the boat from sinking.
Later on, they faced so many challenges. But still, they remained hopeful and determined. Even the children displayed extraordinary courage and bravery. Suzanne suffered a head injury, but she did not complain. On the other hand, Jonathan expressed that he was not afraid to die as long as they were together.
On the 6th of January, they were able to spot the small French island, Ile Amsterdam, after several days of struggle against the storm. Finally, they could make it to the island and felt relieved. All 28 inhabitants of the island welcomed them. After setting foot on the island, the narrator recalled the strength and determination of the two crewmen, his wife Mary, and his children, Suzanne and Jonathan.
Word-Meaning (“We Are Not Afraid To Die... If We Can All Be Together”)
Duplicate – to make an exact copy
In the wake of – following
Explorer – a person who travels to learn
Hone – sharpen
Seafaring skills – skills required to navigate boat/ship
Wooden hulled – an outer body of a ship which is made of wood
Encounter– face
Gale–violent wind
Main mast-central long pole
Jib-a triangular sail
Lashed – fastened
Mooring-rope – a rope used for securing a boat on the coast
Loop – noose
Stern–back part of the ship
Donned–put on
Ominous silence – unpleasant or threatening silence
Aft – back
Impending – drawing near
Capsizing – Overturning
Hatch – door
Starboard – right-hand side of a ship
Bulged – swollen
Sloshed – moved around water
Wrenched – twisted.
Debris – rubbish
Dinghies – small boats on a ship
Mayday calls – radio signals in distress calling for help.
Keel – steel structure along the base of the ship
Respite – a short period of rest
Pinpricks in the vast ocean – the challenge of searching for something very small
Paraffin – colourless flammable liquid
Sextant – an instrument for taking altitudes and navigation
Explanation Of “We Are Not Afraid To Die… If We Can All Be Together”
In July 1976, my wife Mary, ……………………………. testing it in the roughest weather we could find.
According to the narrator, he started his journey in July 1976 along with his wife, Mary, and his two children, Susan and Jonathan, 7 and 6 years old, respectively. The narrator seems to be a great admirer of Captain James Cook, who had a round-the-world voyage almost 200 years ago. The narrator wanted to imitate him. To improve their seafaring skills, the narrator and his wife utilised their leisure time in the sea for almost 16 years.
The narrator also got a boat named Wavewalker. The boat was professionally built. It was 23 long and 30 tons in weight, a wooden-hulled beauty. The narrator and his wife continued to test it in the roughest weather for many months and fitted it out to improve its performance.
Q. When and where did the narrator start his journey?
Ans. The narrator started his journey in July 1976 from Plymouth, England.
Q. Who accompanied the narrator when he started his sea voyage?
Ans. The narrator’s wife, Mary, and his children, Susan and Jonathan, accompanied him.
Q. Who did the narrator want to imitate or copy?
Ans. The narrator wanted to copy or imitate Captain James Cook, who had a round-the-world voyage almost 200 years ago.
Q. What was the profession of the narrator?
Ans. The narrator was a businessman.
Q. What did the narrator and his wife do to hone their seafaring skills?
Ans. The narrator and his wife used to spend their leisure time honing their seafaring skills in British waters.
Q. Give a description of the Wavewalker.
Ans. The Wavewalker was 23 in length and 30 tons in weight. It was a professionally built wooden-hulled beauty. The narrator and his wife tested the boat in the roughest weather and equipped it.
The first leg of our planned three-year ………….. to help us tackle one of the world's roughest sea, the Southern Indian Ocean.
According to the narrator, the first leg of their journey ended when they reached Cape Town, South Africa. There, the narrator engaged or employed two crewmen, Herb Seigler and Larry Vigil. Larry Vigil was an American while Herb Seigler was a Swiss. The narrator took their services to help him face the roughest sea i.e., the Southern Indian Ocean.
Q. Where did the first leg of the voyage come to an end?
Ans. In Cape Town, South Africa, the first leg of their journey came to an end.
Q. Who were Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler?
Ans. Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler were crewmen. Larry Vigil was an American while Herb Seigler was a Swiss.
Q. Why did the narrator engage Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler?
Ans. The narrator engaged Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler to help him face the world's roughest sea, the Southern Indian Ocean.
On our second day out of Cape Town, ……………..And it did change for the worse.
On the second day, after they came out of Cape Town, they started facing the strong wind and high waves. The narrator was not worried about the wind but the size of the wave was frightening. The waves were as high as the main mast.
Despite the atrocious weather, they celebrated Christmas and the new year. Everybody expected that things would change, and it changed, but for the worse.
Q. What happened when they came out of Cape Town?
Ans. When they came out of Cape Town, they started facing strong wind and high waves.
Q. What was alarming for the narrator?
Ans. The size of the waves was alarming for the narrator. Some of the waves were as high as the main mast.
Q. How did the narrator and his companions celebrate Christmas and New Year?
Ans. The narrator and his companions celebrated Christmas as well as New Year happily. They even lit the Christmas tree on Christmas.
At dawn on January 2, the waves were gigantic. …………… donned oilskins and life jackets and waited.
On January 2nd, their condition became miserable. The waves were huge, and they were just selling with a small storm jib. The speed of the boat was also very high. It was around eight knots.
Therefore, they dropped down the storm jib to slow the speed. Moreover, they lashed and then double-lashed heavy mooring rope in a loop across the stern. They also had the drill of the life raft, attached lifelines, put on oilskins and life jackets, and waited.
Q. How was the condition on January 2nd?
Ans. The waves were huge, and there was a fear that the ship might be overturned by the huge waves.
Q. What was the speed of the boat on January 2nd?
Ans. The speed of the boat was 8 knots.
Q. What did the narrator and his companions do to slow down the speed of the boat?
Ans. In order to slow down the speed of the boat, they dropped down the storm jib and also lashed and double-lashed a heavy mooring rope in a loop across the stern.
Q. How did they get themselves ready for the impending disaster?
Ans. First of all, they lashed and then double-lashed a heavy mooring rope in a loop across the stern. Moreover, they had a life raft drill, attached lifelines, and put on life jackets.
The first indication of impending disaster came at about 6:00 p.m………………. I was losing consciousness, I felt quite peaceful.
By observing the high waves, the narrator realised that some disaster was approaching. The first sign of the disaster came at around 6 PM. Suddenly the sky was getting dark, as if there were a lot of clouds. But a little later, the narrator realised that it was not a cloud, but an enormous wave, which was almost double the height of other waves. The wave struck the boat so hard that the crest was severely damaged and the back of the ship went nearly vertical.
The sound increased to thunder, and the back portion of the ship rose. For a moment, the narrator thought that all of them would be washed away by the waves. But suddenly the explosion shook the deck. It almost crashed. The narrator smashed into the wheel and he realised that he was flying overboard and sinking. Very soon it became clear to him that he was dying and felt relaxed.
Q. When did the first indication of the impending disaster come?
Ans. At 6:00 p.m.
Q. What's the atmosphere of the sea at 6:00 p.m.?
Ans. There was an ominous silence in the sea. Thereafter, the sea waves struck the ship.
Q. What happened when the wave struck the ship?
Ans. There was an explosion that shook the deck, and a lot of waves came and broke over the ship. The back of the ship rose.
Q. How was the condition of the narrator?
How did the narrator feel?
Ans. The narrator's head struck with the wheel, and he realised that he was flying overboard and sinking.
Unexpectedly my head popped out of the water. ……………………. I shouted as I scrambled for the hatch.
The narrator had lost his hope and accepted his death. But suddenly his head came out of the water, and he noticed that a few metres away the wavewalker was overturning. Its mast was horizontal. Thereafter, another wave balanced the boat. The narrator somehow reached the main boom of the boat. The subsequent waves were tossing him like a rag doll. As a result, there was a crack in his left ribs, and his mouth was filled with blood and broken teeth. But still, he did not lose hope, and somehow he was able to reach the wheel and take control of it.
The narrator was well known to the fact that the water was coming to the ship, but he could not dare to leave the steering wheel to examine the ship. A little later, his wife came and informed him that the water was coming very fast and very soon they would sink. The narrator asked his wife Mary to take control of the steering wheel, and he went out to examine the ship.
Q. What happened unexpectedly?
Ans. The narrator had accepted his death and thought that he was dying, and suddenly his head came out. It was unexpected.
Q. How was the narrator able to reach the wavewalker’s main boom?
Ans. Somehow the narrator was able to hold fast to the rail guard and then jump into the main boom.
Q. What happened when the narrator was tossed by the waves?
Ans. The subsequent waves tossed the narrator like a rag doll. As a result, his left rib cracked, his tooth broke, and his mouth was full of blood.
Q. What did the narrator want to do when he realised that a lot of water was coming to the ship?
Ans. The narrator wanted to go to examine the ship, but he could not leave the steering wheel.
Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler were pumping like mad men. ………………………… I had no time to worry about bumped heads.
When the narrator came out of the cabin, he found Herb Seigler and Larry Vigil busy pumping out water.
Then he started examining the ship. He realised that there was water everywhere. A lot of things had been broken and floating on the surface of the water. The right side of the ship was badly damaged.
The narrator then went to the children's cabin and asked how they were. Suzanne complained about a bump above her eyes on her forehead. However, the narrator did not pay much attention because his concern was to save the boat from sinking.
Q. What did the narrator find Herb Seigler and Larry Vigil doing?
Ans. Both of them were busy pumping out water from the boat.
Q. What did the narrator's daughter Sue complain about?
Ans. Sue informed her father that she had been hit and there was a bump above her eyes.
Q. What was the condition of the ship?
Ans. Wavewalker had been badly damaged. The starboard side was bulging. Water was also filling the boat. The damaged items, like timber, crockery, toys, etc., were sinking into the water.
After finding a hammer, screws and canvas ……………………….. “I didn't want to worry you when you were trying to save us all.
The narrator managed to find canvas, a hammer, and screws and then went back to the deck. There he found the starboard side damaged. Maximum water was coming through the hole on the right side wall of the boat. Somehow he fixed the canvas. No doubt water was still coming but maximum water was being deflected.
Further, the narrator noticed that the hand pump had been blocked because of the debris, and the electric pump short-circuited. The spare pumps had already been damaged. Suddenly the narrator remembered that there was a pump in the chart room, and therefore he went there and attached it with an out pipe, and fortunately, it worked.
The whole night they continued to pump out water, and at the same time they were sending Mayday calls, but they did not receive any response from anywhere.
Later on, the narrator noticed that there was swelling on Suzanne’s head, and she also had a deep cut on her arm. When the narrator asked Suzanne why she did not inform, she replied that she did not want to disturb him as he was busy saving all of them.
Q. What was the first thing the narrator did to stop the flow of water?
Ans. He managed to get a hammer, screws, and canvas and then fixed the canvas at the place where there was a gap and from where the water was coming. As a result, the water began to deflect.
Q. What happened to the hand pumps?
Ans. The hand pump got blocked because of the debris.
Q. What did the narrator do when he found the hand pumps blocked, the electric pumps short-circuited, and the extra pumps damaged?
Ans. The narrator remembered that there was a pump in the chart room. Therefore, he went there and attached the pump to an out pipe, and fortunately, it worked.
Q. What did the narrator and his companions do to let other ships come to help?
Ans. They continued to send Mayday calls, but they did not get any replies because they were in the remote sea.
By morning on January 3, the pumps had the water level ……………….. Except a few cupboard partitions.
By the morning of January 3rd, they found that the water level had gone down, and therefore they started taking rest in turn. After examining the boat, the narrator realised that there was a leakage below the waterline. On checking, the narrator found that almost all the main rib frames of the ship had been smashed and that a few cupboard partitions had held the starboard side partition.
Q. How was the condition on January 3 morning?
Ans. The water level had gone down after continuous pumping, and therefore they could take rest in turn.
Q. What did the narrator realise after examining the boat properly?
Ans. After examining the boat, the narrator found out that the main rib frames were badly damaged and that a few cupboard partitions had held the starboard side of the ship.
We had survived for 15 hours since the wave hit, ………………. The great wave had put our auxiliary engine out of action.
After the wave had hit the boat wavewalker, they survived for 15 hours. The nearest port was Australia. But it was not possible to reach Australia for them as the condition of the boat was so dilapidated. The narrator checked the chart, calculated, and then he got to know there were two islands a few hundred kilometres to the east. One of the islands was IIe Amsterdam, a French scientific base. Those small islands were the only hope for them. If they could reach there somehow, they would be saved.
Q. Which one was the nearest port?
Ans. The Australian port was the nearest.
Q. What was the only hope for them?
Ans. The two islands, one of which was IIe Amsterdam, were the only hope for them.
Q. What was Ile Amsterdam?
Ans. Ile Amsterdam was the French scientific base.
Q. What was the condition to reach those pinpricks?
Ans. They could reach those two pinpricks only if the wind and seas abated.
Q. Why does the author say that their chances to reach those pinpricks were slim?
Ans. Still, the harsh wind was blowing and the waves were huge. Moreover, the auxiliary or extra engine was out of action.
On January 4, after 36 hours of continuous pumping …………………………… and we ate our first meal in almost 2 days.
For 36 hours continuously, they had been pumping out water, and as a result, the water level went down. Now there was only one requirement for them, and that was to pump out the water that was coming.
It was not possible for them to set any sail on the main mast, as they thought the pressure on the rope may damage the structure.
Therefore they hoisted the storm jib and then headed in the direction where they thought those two pinpricks were. After almost two days, they could eat their first meal, and that was corned beef and cracker biscuits.
Q. What was the condition on January 4th?
Ans. As they had been pumping out water continuously for 36 hours, the water level went down to a few centimetres.
Q. Why were they not able to set any sail on the main mast?
Ans. If they set sail on the main mast, the pressure on the rope might damage the structure of the ship.
Q. What did they do finally?
Ans. Finally, they hoisted the storm jib
But our respite was short lived. …………………….. and two 22 litres of plastic barrels of paraffin.
For some time, the speed of the wind abated, and even the waves were not as dangerous as earlier. But it was just for a short period. On January 5, their condition was again the same as earlier. Once again, the harsh wind started blowing and high waves began.
The narrator went to comfort the children because he knew that they were in desperate condition. But he was totally surprised when his son said that he was not afraid to die if they all died together.
The words of John gave him a kind of boost. Immediately he decided to do something. He made an anchor using heavy nylon rope and two 22-litre plastic barrels of paraffin to save the starboard side.
Q. How did Jonathan respond when the narrator went to comfort him?
Ans. He expressed that he was not afraid to die if they all died together.
Q. How did the narrator react to the response given by his son?
Ans. The words of his son not only surprised him but also gave him some kind of boost. That's why once again he tried to save the ship with whatever resources he had.
Q. What did the narrator do to protect the starboard side?
Ans. The narrator tried to protect the starboard side with the help of an improvised anchor made of a heavy nylon rope and two 22-litre plastic barrels of paraffin.
The evening Mary and I sat together holding hands, ………………….. Somehow we have to make it.
The same evening (the evening of January 5), he was sitting with his wife, and talking about their fate. They were disheartened, as they had little hope for survival as more and more water was coming through the broken planks.
But Wavewalker continued to move on, and on January 6, the wind started decreasing. Thereafter the narrator calculated on the sextant, and then he realised that they were there in 150000 km of ocean and looking for a 65 km wide island (IIe Amsterdam).
While the narrator was thinking about all this, his daughter came and gave him a card. On the card, she had made the caricatures of the narrator and his wife. The caption was that her parents were quite funny people and also that if they had ever made someone laugh. These words ease the tension of her parents. When the narrator saw that caricature and read the caption, he laughed a lot. Further, she had written that somehow they would be successful in saving themselves, and then she also wrote that they should hope for the best.
Q. What did the narrator find out after reading on the sextant?
Ans. The narrator concluded that they were in 150000 km of ocean and looking for a 65 km wide Island that was I'll Amsterdam.
Q. What did Suzanne write? Why did the narrator start laughing?
Ans. Sue gave him a card with caricatures of him and his wife. In the caption, she wrote about her parents, saying that they were very funny people and that if they had ever made someone laugh, All these made the narrator laugh a lot.
Q. What did Sue do to encourage her parents?
Ans. She made a card in which she mentioned that she loved her both parents and also wrote that they should be hopeful and that they would somehow make out of it.
About 2:00 p.m. I went on that and asked Larry to steer a course of 185 degrees………. to see the island at about 5:00 p.m.
The narrator and his wife continued to make efforts. The narrator started checking and rechecking the calculations, and then he went to the deck and asked Larry Vigil, who was taking control of the steering wheels, to steer the ship at 185 degrees. He said if they were lucky, they would be able to reach the island by 5:00 p.m. At the same time, he added that the chances were slim.
Q. What did the narrator ask Larry Vigil to do?
Ans. The narrator asked Larry Vigil to steer 185 degrees and added that if they were lucky they would be able to reach I'll Amsterdam by 5 p.m. At the same time, he said that the chances were slim.
Then with a heavy heart, I went below, climbed on my bunk, and amazingly dozed off. ……………. and of a 6 year old boy who was not afraid to die.
After giving instructions to Larry Vigil, he went to his cabin and slept. When he got up, it was around 6 p.m. He realised that they could not reach IIe Amsterdam. This made him sad. And then his son as well as his daughter arrived. His son asked the narrator if he could hug him. The narrator was surprised at why he was being hugged. Then Jonathan said that he wanted to hug him because he was the best daddy and the best captain in the world. The narrator replied that at least that day he had not proved himself a good dad or a good captain. Listening to this, both the children said that it was because he had found the island. The narrator immediately went on the deck and found the island in front of him.
IIe Amsterdam was a piece of volcanic rock. Therefore, it had little vegetation. But still, the narrator called it the most beautiful island in the world. He said so because it saved their lives.
They anchored offshore that night. The next morning, all 28 inhabitants of the island helped them to come up.
After setting foot on the island, he started thinking about all his companions. He remembered Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler, who remained cheerful and hopeful in the most serious conditions. At the same time, he remembered his wife Mary, who continued to control the wheel for a long time. He also remembered his daughter, who did not make any hue and cry despite her injuries. But he remembered most about his son, who was not afraid to die.
He remembered all these because he wanted to show that it must not have been possible for him to handle the whole situation alone. It was because of the efforts of all that they could reach safely.
Q. What did the narrator do after giving instructions to Larry Vigil?
Ans. He went to his cabin and slept.
Q. What time did the narrator wake up, and what did he realise?
Ans. He woke up around 6 p.m. and realised they could not reach ÃŽle Amsterdam, which made him sad.
Q. What did the narrator’s son ask him when he arrived?
Ans. His son asked if he could hug him.
Q. Why did the narrator’s son want to hug him?
Ans. He wanted to hug him because he thought he was the best daddy and the best captain in the world.
Q. How did the narrator feel about being called a good dad and captain?
Ans. He replied that he hadn’t proved himself to be a good dad or captain that day.
Q. What did the narrator's children say to make him feel better?
Ans. They said he was a good dad and captain because he had found the island.
Q. What did the narrator see when he went on deck?
Ans. He saw the island in front of him.
Q. What was ÃŽle Amsterdam like?
Ans. It was a piece of volcanic rock with little vegetation, but the narrator still called it the most beautiful island in the world because it saved their lives.
Q. What did they do that night after finding the island?
Ans. They anchored offshore.
Q. Who helped them the next morning, and what did they do?
Ans. The 28 inhabitants of the island helped them come ashore.
Q. What did the narrator think about after setting foot on the island?
Ans. He thought about his companions, including Larry Vigil, Herb Seigler, his wife Mary, his daughter, and his son.
Q. Why did the narrator remember his companions?
Ans. He remembered them to show that he couldn’t have handled the situation alone and that their collective efforts made it possible to reach safety.
NCERT Solution Of “We Are Not Afraid To Die… If We Can All Be Together”
Understanding the Text………“We Are Not Afraid To Die… If We Can All Be Together”
1. (i) List the steps taken by the captain to protect the ship when rough weather began.
Ans. On January 2, when the narrator realised that the waves were challenging, first of all, he slowed down the speed of the boat by dropping the storm jib. Thereafter he lashed a heavy mooring rope across the back of the ship. Then they double-lashed everything. After that, they went through life raft drills, attached lifelines, and put on oilskin and life jackets.
1. (ii) List the steps taken by the captain to check the flooding of the water in the ship.
Ans. As soon as the narrator saw his wife, he asked her to take control of the steering wheel and went out to examine the boat. He realised that the starboard side was badly damaged. Therefore, he fixed the waterproof across the big holes. As a result, maximum water was being deflected.
2. Describe the mental condition of the voyagers on 4 and 5 January.
Ans. On January 4, their condition became a bit better as maximum water had been pumped out. They also hoisted the storm jib as they could not set sail on the main mast. After two days, they had their first meal. But by 4 pm, their condition was once again miserable. The harsh wind started blowing, and the waves were very high. On January 5th, their condition was worse. When the narrator tried to comfort his children, his son said that he was not afraid to die if they all died together. The words of his son encouraged him so much that he made an improvised sea anchor using nylon rope and two 22-litre plastic barrels of paraffin for the safety of the boat.
3. Describe the shifts in the narration of the events as indicated in the three sections of the text.
Ans. In the first section, the author talks about the journey he started, the preparation he had made, and how he reached South Africa and engaged two crewmen, Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler.
After that, the narrator talks about what happened when the waves hit the boat. The boat was badly damaged, and it was difficult for them to pump out water. There is also mention of the efforts everybody made to save the ship. The narrator himself fixed the waterproof to stop the coming of water. On the other hand, Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler continued to pump out water. His wife remained there on the steering wheel for hours. They continued to send Mayday calls, but it went in vain.
Finally, the narrator talks about how they reached IIe Amsterdam. He also remembered how all on board cooperated and encouraged him.
Talking about the text………….“We Are Not Afraid To Die… If We Can All Be Together”
4. What difference did you notice between the reactions of the adults and the children when faced with danger?
Ans. All the adults, including the narrator, his wife, and the two crewmen, never lost hope. They continued to make efforts to save the ship. They tirelessly sent Mayday calls and fought with the waves with whatever resources they had. Even the children did not lose hope. Sue was badly injured, but still, she did not make any hue and cry. When she found her parents disturbed, Sue made a card with her parents’ caricatures to relieve them. The six-year-old Jonathan said that he was not afraid to die if they died all that together.
5. How does the story suggest that optimism helps to endure “the direst stress”?
Ans. There is no doubt that the story is about hope against hopelessness. The story shows that hope can win any battle. Here we come across extraordinary courage and firmness even in the most difficult situation. The two crewmen persistently pumped out the water and remained cheerful. On the other hand, the narrator’s wife, Mary, remained stuck to the steering wheel for hours. Even the children did not show any kind of disappointment. Sue was badly injured, but still, she did not complain. When she found her parents disturbed, Sue made a card with their caricatures to relieve them. The six-year-old Jonathan said that he was not afraid to die if they died all that together. Finally, the narrator worked effortlessly to save the boat by fixing the waterproof to deflect water, attaching a pump with the out pipe, and making an improvised anchor using heavy rope and two 22-litre plastic barrels of paraffin.
6. What lessons do we learn from such hazardous experience when we are face to face with death?
Ans. This very story, “We’re Not Afraid To Die…… If We Can All Be Together” gives a strong message that we should never lose our hope. However the situation is, we must remain cheerful. Everybody knows whatever has to happen, it will happen. Therefore, we should not be upset to think about the future. Moreover, we realise that we can overcome any difficult situation if we work together. Here we observe that the narrator, his wife, and the two crewmen continue to fight against the sea. The two crewmen persistently pumped out water. On the other hand, the narrator’s wife, Mary, remained in charge of the steering wheel. The narrator worked effortlessly to save the boat by fixing the waterproof to deflect water, attaching a pump with the out pipe, and making an improvised anchor. On the other side, the children also show extraordinary patience and courage. Jonathan truly calls his father “best daddy and best captain.”
Q. Why do you think people undertake such adventurous expeditions in spite of the risks involved?
Ans. People take on adventurous expeditions despite the risks because they find the thrill and excitement irresistible. The challenge of navigating unknown land or facing difficult conditions can be incredibly exciting. Many people are also motivated by the personal growth that comes from overcoming these challenges, which can build confidence. The sense of achievement and fulfillment from reaching a goal after a tough journey proves to be rewarding. Additionally, adventures offer a break from day-to-day routine life. In this way, people can escape routine life and experience something new. For some, achieving something extraordinary can lead to recognition and a sense of leaving a legacy. They may inspire others through their adventures. Some people are also driven by a desire to explore the unknown. Curiosity about new places, cultures, or experiences motivates them to undertake risky journeys. Overall, the adventure is often worth the risk because of the unique and valuable experiences it provides.
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