Lost Spring by Anees Jung, Class 12 English CBSE (Summary/explanation literary devices, word meaning and extract based question-answer)
By Anees Jung
Detailed summary, Literary devices, difficult words and their meaning, and question-answer of Lost Spring
The story 'Lost Spring' highlights the pathetic condition of poor children in India. The author has described how thousands of children in India are forced to work in unorganised sectors and lose their childhood at a very early stage of life.
Anees Jung is an Indian author and journalist. She is known for her insightful portrayal of Indian society. Her works include "A Flight of Pigeons", “Seven Sisters” and “Lost Spring: Stories of Stolen Childhood”. Through her writing, Jung captured the essence of everyday life in India. Anees Jung's works continue to leave a lasting impact.
Scrounging- searching for.
Amidst- in the middle of.
Mutters- to speak in a low voice.
Glibly- speak without careful thought and honesty/carelessly
Hollow- meaningless/ empty.
Abound in - exist in large number or quantity.
Shuffle- shift
Perpetual- never ending.
Desolation- the state of being empty.
Panting- taking short and quick breaths.
Periphery- outer area
Metaphorically- symbolically/ comparingly.
Tarpaulin- waterproof cloth.
Tattered- torn
Transit- temporary
Discarded- rejected
Mirage- illusion.
Glass-blowing industry- an industry related to making glasses.
Furnaces- containers where heat is produced.
Dingy- dirty/gloomy.
Beam- shine brightly.
Stinking- bad smell.
Choked- blocked.
Hovels- slums.
Crumbling- falling.
Wobbly- unsteady.
Primeval- prehistoric/ancient.
Bang- hit.
Shack- roughly built hut.
Thatched- covered with dry grass.
Platters- large plates.
Frail- Thin/weak.
Impoverished- very poor
Destiny- fate.
Lineage- ancestry.
Mounds- heaps.
Unkempt- untidy/dirty.
Shanty town- a town that is full of small roughly built huts.
Tongs- an instrument with two moveable arms joined at one end.
Sanctity- being sacred or holy.
Draped- covered.
Reaped- received as a benefit.
Lament- complaint or regret.
Mind-numbing- extreme or intense tasks to prevent normal thought.
Toil- work.
Apathy- showing no concern.
Stigma- black spot/ disgrace.
Baggage- burden.
Hurtling down- moving.
Detailed summary and very short questions and their answers
"Why do you do this?" ………. in the big city where he now lives.
The narrator or the author found a lot of ragpicker boys visiting her locality in Delhi and searching for something in the garbage dumps. The garbage dumps were quite precious for them because these were the only source of their livelihood. That's why, the author says that garbage is gold for them
According to the narrator Saheb was living in Dhaka. His house was in the lap of nature. But Saheb did not have any memory of his house in Dhaka. His mother informed him that there were so many storms and floods which swept away their homes and fields. As a result, they came to Delhi.
Q. Name the lesson and its author.
Ans. Lost Spring and Anees Jung.
Q. Where did the narrator encounter Saheb?
Ans. Delhi.
Q. 'Los Spring' is an excerpt from __________
Ans. Lost Spring, Stories of Stolen Childhood.
Q. What is the story about?
Ans. The grinding poverty and traditions which condemn many children to a life of exploitation.
Q." Why do you do this?" Who is the speaker and who is the listener? What does 'this' refer to?
Ans. The narrator and Saheb. This refers to ragpicking.
Q. Which figure of speech has been used in the expression," scrounging for gold/ looking for gold….?
Ans. Hyperbole and metaphor
Q. Why did Saheb's family leave the green fields of Dhaka?
Ans. Due to storms and floods.
Q. Which city has been referred to as 'the big city'?
Ans. Delhi.
"I have nothing else to do" he mutters looking away ……. In every corner of his bleak world.
When the author asked Saheb why he used to search in garbage dumps, his reply was- that he did not have any other work to do. Listening to this, the narrator suggested him to go to school. But the next moment she realised that her advice was hollow because he could not go to school as he must work for the survival of himself as well as his family. Saheb however replied that there was no school in his locality. This once again highlights the condition of the deprived section of society.
The narrator, then just for fun, said if she opened the school he would come. This made Saheb very happy, and a few days later he came running and asked the narrator if her school was ready.
The narrator was a bit embarrassed for making a promise which she did not mean at all. But the next moment she realised that she was not the only one who had made a promise. Every day promises are made which bring some kind of hope in the lives of the poor. But these promises are rarely kept.
Q. Which word in the passage means the same as ‘empty /meaningless’?
Ans. Hollow.
Q. What did the narrator suggest to the boy?
Ans. To go to school.
Q. Which advice has been termed as ‘hollow’?
Ans. To go to school.
Q. Why was the advice hollow?
Ans. Because Saheb has to work for the survival of himself as well as his family.
Q. Why, according to Saheb, was he unable to go to school?
Ans. There was no school in his neighbourhood.
Q. What was the promise made by the narrator?
Ans. Start a School.
Q. Who asked," Is your school ready?" What does it highlight about the speaker?
Ans. Saheb. It highlights his hope.
Q. Why did the narrator feel embarrassed?
Ans. For making the promise she did not mean.
Q. What did the narrator reply when Saheb asked if her school was ready?
Ans. It takes a long time to build a school.
Q. What does the author say about the promises made to the common and poor people?
Ans. Promises are frequently made but rarely kept.
After months of knowing him, I ask him his name, Saheb-e-Alam …….. to explain away a perpetual state of poverty.
The full name of the ragpicker boy is Saheb- e- Alam which means lord of the universe. The irony is that the boy is a ragpicker who struggles for survival. Even in his childhood, he has to work and is deprived of even the basic necessities of life.
Like any other ragpicker boy, Saheb also wanders here and there. Just like birds that come out of their nests early in the morning, fly here and there in search of food, and then return by noon. Similarly, the ragpicker boys come out of their houses early in the morning, roam here and there in search of something useful in garbage dumps, and by noon they return.
As the narrator was known to the children, she asked one of them why he was not wearing chappals. The reply was that the mother had kept them on the shelf and she did not bring them down. Another child expressed who was going to wear the chappals which were not matching. The third child told her that he wanted to wear chappals because, in his whole life, he had never worn them.
According to the narrator, she had travelled far and wide. She had observed both in cities and villages a lot of children walking barefoot. The one explanation given is that it is India's tradition to walk barefoot. However, the narrator is not convinced at all. She thinks such an explanation is nothing but a kind of excuse to conceal the poverty that has been prevailing in our country.
Q. What was the name of the ragpicker boy?
Ans. Saheb-e-Alam.
Q. What is the irony in the name?
Ans. Saheb-e-Alam means lord of the universe. But in this case, the boy is a ragpicker who is so poor that even survival is quite difficult.
Q. The author compares the ragpicker boys to …….
Ans. Early morning birds.
Q. Which literary device has been used in the line, " an army of barefoot boys who appeared like the morning birds….."?
Ans. Simile
Q. What is the one explanation given about walking barefoot?
Ans. It is not the lack of money, but India's tradition.
Q. What does the author think about such an explanation about walking barefoot?
Ans. An excuse to explain away a perpetual state of poverty.
I remember a story a man from Udipi ………. in my neighbourhood remain shoeless.
There was a person from Udupi who told a story to the narrator. According to him as a young boy, while going to school, he used to stop near the temple and pray to the goddess for a pair of shoes. When his wish was granted still he offered prayer as he did not want to lose them. But 30 years later when the narrator visited the same town, she found the son of the new priest who was in proper school uniform, wearing school shoes, having a school bag, and sitting on a plastic chair. At this point, the author wants to highlight the fact that the condition of a section of society has improved. The son of a priest can afford shoes. But still, there is a section of the society like the ragpickers who cannot afford shoes or chappals.
Q. What did the boy pray for every morning?
Ans. A pair of shoes.
Q. What did the boy do after getting his wish fulfilled?
Ans. Prayed to the goddess for the safety of his shoes.
Q. What did the narrator notice about the son of the new priest?
Ans. Wearing shoes and socks, having a school bag, and wearing a uniform.
Q. What is the contrast presented here?
Ans. The condition of a section of society has changed but the rag pickers are still the same. Even after 30 years, they can not afford a pair of shoes or chappals.
My acquaintance with the barefoot ragpickers leads me to Seemapuri, a place on the periphery of Delhi…….. that get their names on voters' list and enable them to buy grain.
The author expresses that she visits Seemapuri to know the condition of the ragpickers. According to the author, Seemapuri is a part of Delhi yet it is far away from Delhi. It means Delhi, which is the capital of India, provides the best infrastructure, best civic amenities, world-class transportation, education, and medical facilities. But Seemapuri, despite being a part of Delhi, lacks even basic facilities like drinking water, sewage, drainage, etc.
The people, who are living in Seemapuri, are squatters settled here illegally. There are around 10,000 ragpickers living there but no basic facilities are provided to them like sewage, drainage, running water, etc. They have lived here for 30 years without any identity or permit. But they have been provided ration cards because of which they get some grain as well as their names appear on the voters’ list. Actually, here the author has criticized the way they are used as vote banks.
Q. What does 'periphery' mean?
Ans. edge/ outskirts/verge/borderline
Q. What does 'metaphorically' mean?
Ans. Comparingly.
Q. Who are these ragpickers?
Ans. Squatters from Bangladesh.
Q. What does 'squatter' mean?
Ans. Someone who occupies unused land without having a legal right.
Q. What sort of structures do the ragpickers live in?
Ans. Structures of mud with roofs of tin and tarpaulin.
Q. The relationship between Delhi and Seemapuri is like……
Ans. Centre and margin
Food is more important for survival……………. But for a child, it is even more.
The narrator interviews a few women who are in tattered saris or tattered clothes. They remark that food is more important than identity. According to them, at least they are not sleeping with an empty stomach in Delhi. On the other hand, their fields did not give any grain. The people living here are not least worried about their nationality.
The author expresses that the condition of the ragpickers is miserable. They are living in houses having mud walls and roofs of tin or tarpaulin. The only source of their livelihood is garbage. For them, garbage is as precious as gold. These people pitch their tents wherever they find an empty land and that becomes their transit homes.
Due to poverty, even the children have to work for survival. That's why the author has used the expression " partners in survival". With the passage of time, ragpicking has become an art. "Garbage is gold" because it provides them with food and shelter.
Q. What, according to the women, is more important?
Ans. Food
Q. Why did they leave the green fields of Dhaka?
Ans. For food and shelter/ Due to political disturbance/floods and storms swept away everything.
Q. What does it reveal about Indian politics?
Ans. The migrants are used as vote banks.
Q. “Through the years, it has got the proportion of fine art.” Which literary device has been used in this expression?
Ans. Hyperbole
Q. What has acquired the proportion of fine art?
Ans. Ragpicking
Q. How do the children become partners in survival?
Ans.By working
Q. What does ‘transit’ mean?
Ans. Temporary
I sometimes find a rupee, even a ten rupee note…. it is a means of survival.
The author says that garbage has two meanings. For children, it is something wrapped in wonder, because sometimes they find a one rupee note, sometimes a 10 rupee note. When they find a coin they continue to search thinking some more coins may be hidden in the garbage dumps. On the other hand, for adults, it is the means of survival.
Q. What do adults think about garbage?
Ans. Means of survival.
Q. What do the children think about garbage?
Ans. Something wrapped in wonder.
Q. What do the children do after finding a coin in garbage dumps?
Ans. When they find a coin or note they get excited and continue to search in the heap of garbage for a long time with the hope of getting some more.
Q. What does the phrase 'lighting up' imply here?
Ans. Bright and excited
One winter morning I see Saheb ----------------------- But the game he is watching so intently is out of his reach.
It is a winter morning. The narrator finds Saheb standing near the fenced gate of the tennis club and watching the game of tennis being played by the two young men. He informs the narrator that he likes the game. He also reveals that whenever no one is in the club, the gatekeeper allows him to enter and enjoy swings. He is so happy explaining all this. It shows these poor children have the same desire; they have the same emotions like other children. They also want to play; they also want to study; they also want to enjoy their lives. The circumstances do not allow them to get all these things. The same morning the narrator also finds Saheb wearing tennis shoes which appear to be absurd on his discoloured shirt and shorts. But he is not least worried because it is just like the fulfilment of his dream.
The shoes are rejected by some rich boy and therefore, given to Saheb. But all these do not worry him as wearing shoes is no less than the fulfilment of a dream.
Q. What was Saheb doing one winter morning?
Ans. He was standing near the fenced gate of the tennis club and watching the game of tennis being played.
Q. Which game did Saheb like to play?
Ans. Tennis
Q. Is it possible for Saheb to fulfil his dream of playing tennis?
Ans. Least probability
Q. How did Saheb get entry to the club?
Ans. The gatekeeper allowed him to enter the club and enjoy the swings.
Q. How did Saheb get the tennis shoes?
Ans. Donated by a rich boy as there was a hole in one of the shoes.
Q. What seemed to be absurd?
Ans. Saheb's discoloured shirt and shorts over the tennis shoes.
Q. Why did the author think that Saheb's dream to play tennis could not be fulfilled?
Ans. He was a poor ragpicker and could not afford to play a game like tennis.
This morning, Saheb is on his way to the milk booth. ……….. Saheb is no longer his own master!
One morning the narrator finds Saheb having a steel canister in his hand, and going towards the milk booth. He informs the narrator that he has got a job at a tea stall and that he is being paid 800 rupees per month plus three meals. When the narrator asks him if he is happy, she observes his face does not show the carefree look. Earlier Saheb used to carry a heavy plastic bag, but still, the author says that the steel canister is heavier than the plastic bag because now he loses his freedom. Now he cannot do anything according to his wishes. He loses his childhood.
Q. Where did Saheb get the job?
Ans. At a tea stall.
Q. How much was Saheb being paid?
Ans. Rs 800/- per month as well as three meals a day.
Q. Why does the author say," The steel canister seems heavier than the plastic bag" ….?
Ans. Because he lost his freedom.
Q. What does steel canister symbolise?
Ans. Slavery/ servility.
Mukesh insists on being his own master. ………. those 20000 children out of the hot furnaces………
Just in contrast to Saheb, Mukesh wants to be his own master because he has a desire to be a motor mechanic and own a garage. The author expresses that his dream appears like a mirage, an illusion.
According to the author, Firozabad is famous for bangles. It is the centre of India's glass-blowing industry. Here every second family is engaged in bangle making. Almost 20000 children work in this industry.
The author criticises the government as well as authorities for not creating awareness among the people and also for not enforcing the law which prohibits child labour. That's why, she says if the law is enforced properly, 20000 children can be taken out of the glass bangle industry.
Q. What is Firozabad known for?
Ans. The centre for the glass-blowing industry/ famous for its bangles.
Q. Why are the children working in the glass bangle industry?
Ans. Due to poverty.
Q. Who is responsible for the plight of the children?
Ans. Government and the authorities.
Q. Why does the author compare Mukesh's dream to a mirage?
Ans. The author thinks he might not be able to fulfil his dream.
Q. Which literary device has been used in the expression," His dream looms like a mirage"?
Ans. Simile
We walk down stinking lanes choked with garbage ………. humans and animals coexisting in a primaeval state.
In Firozabad people work in dark and dirty rooms where there is little source of light and air, but the temperature is very high. The high temperature affects their eyes so much that many even lose their eyesight in their childhood.
According to the narrator, when she visits the area where the bangle makers live, she finds the narrow lanes giving a foul smell because of the garbage dumps. The drains are totally choked. The houses are like hovels. Even the walls of the houses appear to be crumbling, and the doors are wobbly. Men and animals live together as they were living in ancient times.
Q. Describe the working conditions of the bangle makers.
Ans. They work in dark and dingy cells with little source of light and air.
Q. How does high temperature affect the bangle makers?
Ans. It affects their eyes and many lose their eyesight.
Q. In what condition are the bangle makers living?
Ans. Inhuman condition. Narrow streets are full of garbage dumps giving a foul smell.
Q. What are hovels?
Ans. Small homes which are dirty and in bad condition.
Q. What kind of houses do the banglemakers live in?
Ans. Small houses with crumbling walls and wobbly doors.
He stops at the door of one such house, bangs a wobbly iron door………. Already in charge of three men - her husband, Mukesh and their father.
Mukesh stops in front of the door of a house and bangs it open. The narrator finds that the house is no better than a hut. It is like a half-built shack. One part of the house has a thatched roof.
When the narrator enters the house she hears a sizzling sound as spinach is being cooked and finds some chopped vegetables in a large platter. There is a young but frail (weak) woman who is busy cooking. Her eyes are full of smoke. She is the wife of Mukesh's elder brother. She is still young but she has the respect of a 'bahu' and she has to do all the household work.
Q. How does the narrator find Mukesh's house?
Ans. Like a shack. One-half of the house has a thatched roof.
Q. Who is the frail woman?
Ans. Mukesh's elder brother's wife.
Q. Which social evil has been pointed out?
Ans. Early marriage
Q. Who is in charge of the three men?
Ans. Mukesh's sister-in-law
Q. How does Mukesh's sister-in-law look?
Ans. Frail
Q. What does “frail” mean?
Ans. weak
When the older man enters, she gently withdraws behind the broken wall and brings her veil ………… what he knows --- the art of making bangles.
The author has highlighted a custom which is prevailing in poor localities as well as rural areas. The custom is that of veiling the face by a daughter-in-law in front of an elder male-in-law.
Mukesh's father worked first as a tailor and then as a banglemaker. But still, he did not have enough to educate his children. He has only taught them the art of making bangles.
Q. Which custom has been highlighted?
Ans. The custom of veiling in front of an elder male-in-law.
Q. Why does Mukesh's sister-in-law withdraw behind the broken wall?
Ans. Due to the demands of the custom.
Q. Who refers to " impoverished bangle maker"?
Ans. Mukesh's father.
Q. What was Mukesh's father doing prior to making bangles?
Ans. Tailoring.
Q. What has Mukesh's father failed to do?
Ans. Renovate the house and educate his children.
Q. What has Mukesh's father managed to teach his children?
Ans. The art of making bangles.
"It is his karam, his destiny," says Mukesh's grandmother, who has watched her own husband………… Born in the caste of bangle makers.
"It is his karam, his destiny,"...... These words are spoken by Mukesh's grandmother who appears to have surrendered to the situation. "It is his karam" means it is the fate of Mukesh to be a bangle maker because all of them were born in the caste of bangle makers. She thinks that it is a God-given lineage and it can never be broken. In other words, it is God's wish that they should remain poverty-stricken and do nothing except make bangles. Mukesh's grandmother has seen her husband going blind while working in the glass bangle industry.
Q. What is his 'karam'?
Ans. To be a bangle maker.
Q. What has Mukesh's grandmother watched?
Ans. Her husband who went blind with the dust from polishing the glass of bangles.
Q. What is God-given lineage?
Ans. Born in the caste of bangle makers.
Q. How is the attitude of Mukesh's grandmother towards life?
Ans. Hopelessness
Spiral of bangles - Sunny gold, paddy green, royal blue……… losing their eyesight before they become adults.
The people of Firozabad have seen nothing except bangles. One can find nothing but bangles everywhere, in the room, in the yard, on the push carts, pull carts etc.
All the people including the children work in front of the flickering light. So their eyes become more adjusted to darkness than to light, and as a result, many lose their eyesight before they become adults.
Q. What does shanty town mean?
Ans. Town of huts.
Q. Why do many lose their eyesight?
Ans. Due to the dust from polishing the glass of bangles, the darkness of the room and the high temperature.
Q. What is the hazard of working in the glass bangle industry?
Ans. Loss of eyesight.
Savita, a young girl in a drab pink dress………. she will then become a bride.
Savita is a small girl, but she has expertise in making bangles. Her hands work as mechanically as the tongs of a machine.
The author explains how sacred and auspicious bangles are i.e. the symbol of suhaag and it is considered to be auspicious to wear bangles on the occasion of marriage.
Savita, possibly, does not know about the sanctity of bangles. She will know herself when her head is covered with red cloth and hands are dyed red with henna, and when she wears bangles. It means when she becomes a bride, only then she will know the sanctity of bangles.
Q. Who is Savita?
Ans. A Young girl.
Q. Savita has become an expert in……….
Ans. Making bangles
Q. What do the bangles symbolise?
Ans. An Indian woman's suhag.
Q. Which literary device has been used in the expression "….her hands move mechanically like the tongs of a machine."?
Ans. Simile
Q. When will Savita know the sanctity of bangles?
Ans. When she becomes a bride.
Like the old woman who became one many years ago. …………. All I have done is make a house for the family to live in.
According to the author, Mukesh's mother still has bangles on her wrist, but she has lost the brightness of her eyes. She says in her entire life she has not enjoyed even one full meal.
Mukesh's father expresses before the narrator that he knows nothing except bangles. Moreover, somewhat in a proud manner, tells that all he has done is - got a house constructed. When the narrator hears him she starts thinking if many have even failed to do it.
Q. How does Mukesh's mother react to the whole situation?
Ans. She expresses that she has not enjoyed even one full meal.
Q. What does Mukesh's father say in a somewhat proud manner?
Ans. He has got a house built.
Q. What does the expression "she still has bangles on her wrist, but no light in her eyes mean"?
Ans. Though she is married, her eyes are devoid of happiness
The cry of not having money to do anything except carry on the business of making bangles,....... Years of mind-numbing toil have killed all initiative and the ability to dream.
In every bangle maker's home, there is one regret that they do not have money, and therefore, they cannot change their profession. Whatever the previous generation lamented, the same lament is there in the present generation. The author has called bangle-making mind-numbing toil as for years the bangle makers have been engaged in this work, and therefore, they have lost the power to take initiative and even the ability to dream.
The poor bangle makers have been trapped by the middlemen. This trap is as dangerous as the vicious circle because there is no way out from there.
Q. What is the cry that rings in every home of Firozabad?
Ans. Not having money and inability to do anything except carry on the business of making bangles.
Q. What do the young men echo?
Ans. The lament of their elders for not having enough money to do anything except making bangles.
Q. What "does mind-numbing toil refer to"?
Ans. Bangle making
Q. What has killed all initiative and the ability to dream?
Ans. Mind-numbing toil.
"Why not organise yourself into a cooperative?" ………. They talk endlessly in a spiral that moves from poverty to apathy to greed and to injustice.
The bangle makers of Firozabad cannot even organise themselves into a cooperative because there is a fear that if they do so, they may be arrested by the police, beaten up and put behind bars on false charges. These poor people do not have leaders who can guide and lead them.
The author thinks that the bangle makers have become tired, and exhausted from their work. When they start talking about injustice, poverty, greed and apathy, there is no end.
Q. Why are the bangle makers unable to organise themselves into a cooperative?
Ans. For fear of being arrested by the police, beaten up and put behind bars on false charges.
Q. Who has trapped the bangle makers into the vicious circle?
Ans. The middlemen and sahukars.
Q. What do the bangle makers talk endlessly about?
Ans. Poverty, injustice, apathy and greed of the officials and the middlemen.
Q. Why are the bangle makers unable to rise?
Ans. Lack of any leadership as well as exploitation by the middle man, sahukars, bureaucrats etc.
Listening to them, I see two distinct worlds - one of the family, caught in a web of poverty ………. To do anything else would mean to dare. And daring is not part of his growing up.
The narrator imagines two distinct worlds, which are entirely different from one another. One is the world of the bangle makers where there is poverty, where there is misery. Another is the world of the middlemen, policemen, politicians, and bureaucrats who have been exploiting them.
According to the author, the burden of poverty and suffering continues. One generation transfers all these to another generation and another carries on the same and again puts on to the next generation and that has been going on and on and on. Further, the author says they cannot do anything else except making bangles because doing anything else means taking a risk, and the poor can not take a risk at all.
Q. What are the two distinct worlds that the author talks about?
Ans. One is the world of the bangle makers and the other that of middlemen, sahukars, bureaucrats, politicians etc.
Q. How do the children react when the baggage is imposed on them?
Ans. They accept as naturally as their fathers and forefathers did.
Q. Which baggage has been referred to here?
Ans. Poverty and carrying on the ancestral profession of bangle-making.
Q. Why can they not dare?
Ans. To do anything apart from making bangles.
When I sense a flash of it in Mukesh I am cheered …………………………. Few airplanes fly over Firozabad.
According to the author, she feels happy when she finds a flash in Mukesh to do something else. She is happy when she comes to know that Mukesh has a dream to be a motor mechanic.
Mukesh shows his determination when he tells he will walk a few miles to reach the garage and learn how to drive a car. But he does not have a dream of flying aeroplanes. When the narrator asks if he has a wish to fly an aeroplane, he is a bit embarrassed.
Q. Why does Mukesh suddenly become silent when the narrator asks him if he has a dream of flying a plane?
Ans. He cannot even think about flying planes as he belongs to a poor family of banglemakers.
Q. What does 'murmur' mean?
Ans. Mutter/ whisper
Q. What makes the author cheerful?
Ans. When Mukesh expresses his desire to become a motor mechanic.
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