The Rattrap by By Selma Lagerlöf for class 12 English(Flamingo) CBSE (Summary, literary devices, vocabulary and extract based question-answer)
The Rattrap
By Selma Lagerlöf
(20 November 1858 - 16 March 1940)
Detailed summary, explanation, extract-based questions, and their answer, difficult words and their meaning, and very short questions and their answer of the chapter “The Rattrap”
The story "The Rattrap" by Selma Lagerlof, a Swedish writer, highlights that essential goodness is hidden in every human being and can never be extinguished. The goodness and virtues of a human being can be brought out by showing love and affection.
Loneliness is another theme of the story. In this story, almost all the characters live lonely lives. All of them have an intense desire to have the company of someone. The peddler wanders throughout the year all alone. Similar is the condition of the crofter who does not have a wife or children and wishes to have someone to talk to and share his feelings and emotions. The ironmaster and his daughter also live in a big house and thus feel almost alone.
About the author
(20 November 1858 - 16 March 1940)
Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf, a Swedish author, was the first female writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1909. Lagerlöf is best known for her children's book "The Wonderful Adventures of Nils," which tells the story of a young boy named Nils who is magically shrunk and embarks on a journey across Sweden on the back of a goose. Her other notable works include "Gösta Berling's Saga" and "The Saga of Gösta Berling," both considered classics of Swedish literature. Lagerlöf's writing often incorporates folklore, fantasy, and moral themes, and she played a significant role in shaping Swedish literary culture.
Monotonous - dull/boring
Vagabond - a person who wanders here and there
Plod - walk
Bait - food to trap the rat
Tempt - allure/persuade/convince
Cherish - love, protect and care
Generous - liberal
Crofter - a person who works on a rented farm
Creamery - an establishment where milk and cream are processed
Kronor - currency of Sweden
Incredulous - unbelievable
Thickets - bushes
Impenetrable - impossible to pass through or enter
Summon - Gather /collect
Stagger - walk unsteadily
Forge - a place where metal is heated
Barge - long flat-bottomed boat
Scow - flat-bottomed boat
Smelter - A machine in which metal is melted to form a shape
Maw - mouth/jaw
Haughty - arrogant
Tramp - a person who wanders here and there
Ragamuffin - a person in rags
Manor house - a large country house with land
Alarmed - frightened.
Inconspicuously - without being noticed /not visible
Comrade - a fellow Soldier
Valet - a male servant who serves as a personal attendant to his employer
Apprentice - a learner/a person under training Forebodings - a prediction
Queer - strange
Groomed - neat, clean and smart
Splendour - Glory/luxury
Sheriff - a government official incharge of law and order
Wretch -miserable or unlucky fellow
Interceded - intervened
Preach - to deliver sermon /religious speech.
Boundless - limitless
Amazement - wonder/surprise
Dejected - sad/disappointed
The peddler or the rattrap seller makes and sells the rattraps of wire. But he is thoroughly dishonest, unscrupulous, and a wrongdoer. He is so mean and selfish that he robs the person who shelters him. But a girl’s kindness brings drastic changes in him. Finally, she makes him a good man. In the end, the rattrap seller resolves not to be involved in any such activities which are unlawful or antisocial.
Another character is Edla Willmansson, the daughter of the ironmaster. She is very kind, soft-spoken, and sober. She has much patience and self-control. Even after knowing that the peddler tried to cheat her father, she serves him like a guest, and as a result, we notice changes in the man. Edla is also a keen observer of men and matters. When she meets the peddler in the forge, she suspects that either he is a thief or an escaped prisoner. Even after suspecting the peddler she remains calm and composed and invites him to the house in such a manner that the latter cannot decline. She also has an extraordinary power of persuasion.
The third character in the story is the ironmaster, the owner of an ironmill. Earlier he served in the army. He appears to be very hardworking and therefore, visits the forge so many times for inspection, even at night. He has a passion for supplying good quality iron sheets to the market. He is kind-hearted too. But compared to his daughter, he does not have the power to recognise anyone properly. Moreover, he is not a minute observer like his daughter. At the same time, he is impatient and loses his temper very often. As soon as he comes to know that the rattrap seller is not his old acquaintance, he not only shouts at him but also threatens to hand him over to the police.
The crofter is another character. This very man lives a lonely life. He does not have a wife or children and thus wishes to have someone with whom to share his feelings and emotions. Possibly his loneliness impulses him to give shelter to the rattrap seller. At the same time, he serves him food, talks to him till bedtime, and even plays cards. This very man is so simple that he opens his heart in front of the peddler and tells everything about himself. He informs him that he earned 30 kronor last month and also shows the money that was kept in the leather pouch. His simplicity made him prone to robbery.
Once upon a time ………. hunger gleamed in his eyes.
Once there was a man who used to make and sell rattraps of wire. He got the materials for making the rattraps either from the stores or from the farms. But the business was not profitable at all. Therefore very often he got involved in petty thievery and begging. Despite all these, his condition was miserable. His cheeks were sunken and hunger gleamed in his eyes.
Q. How did the peddler or rattrap seller or the vagabond or tramp earn his livelihood?
Ans. The peddler used to make and sell the rattraps of wire to earn his livelihood. As it was not sufficient, he often resorted to begging and small thefts.
Q. How did the peddler get the material for making rattraps?
Ans. The peddler got the material for making the rattraps either from the farms or from the stores.
Q. What was the material used for making rattraps?
Ans. Wire
Q. Describe the appearance of the peddler.
Ans. The peddler had a shabby appearance. He used to wear old torn clothes. His cheeks were sunken and hunger gleamed in his eyes.
No one can imagine how sad and monotonous life can appear to such a vagabond …………. it closed in on him, and then everything came to an end.
According to the author, nobody can imagine how monotonous/dull life the man was living as he had to travel all alone throughout the year. Therefore, very often he used to be lost in his thoughts.
One day while he was thinking about his rattrapps, the idea struck him that the whole world with its cities, lands, villages, forests, food, joy, comfort, riches, etc. is a big rattrap. Once a person is tempted, he is trapped and finished.
Q. Which literary device has been used here?
Ans. Metaphor has been used because the world has been compared to a rattrap.
Q. What kind of life was the peddler living?
Ans. He was living a lonely and monotonous life as he had to wander all alone throughout the year.
Q. What has been compared to pork and cheese?
Ans. The worldly things like riches, joy, shelter, food clothing, etc. have been compared to pork and cheese (baits).
Q. From where did the peddler get the idea of the world being a rattrap?
Ans. The peddler used to make and sell the rattraps of wire.
Throughout the year he wandered all alone and remained lost in his thoughts. Therefore one day while thinking about his rattraps, the idea struck him that the whole world is a rattrap.
The world had, of course, never been kind ……………. were still circling around the bait.
Life had never been kind to the peddler. In other words, nobody had ever shown sympathy and kindness towards him. Therefore, he took pleasure in thinking ill of others. He used to think that some of his known persons/acquaintances were either trapped or were moving around the bait to be trapped. The thought gave him immense joy and it became his cherished pastime.
Q. Why did the peddler think ill of others?
Ans. It was because nobody had ever shown kindness towards him. His life was so tough and challenging.
Q. What was his cherished pastime?
Ans. The peddler used to think that some of his known persons were either trapped or moving around the bait to be trapped. The thought itself was comforting and gave him extreme joy. This became his cherished pastime.
One dark evening as he was trudging along the road…………and played mjölis with his guest until bedtime.
It was a dark evening and the peddler was walking all alone. Suddenly he noticed a grey cottage by the side of the road. He went there and knocked on the door and requested shelter. The old man immediately asked him to get inside. Even he prepared porridge and gave him supper. He also gave tobacco to smoke, played cards with him, and talked to him till bedtime. It was a surprise for the peddler because usually, people received him with sour faces whenever he requested shelter and drove him away.
Q. How was the peddler usually received by the people when he requested shelter?
Ans. The people rarely sheltered him. They received him with sour faces and drove him away.
Q. Why did the old man give shelter to the peddler?
Ans. The old man did not have a wife or children. He was living a lonely life. That's why he received the peddler warmly because he found an opportunity to talk to and share his feelings and emotions.
Q. Write a few words about the hospitality of the old man.
Ans. The old man was hospitable to the peddler. Not only he sheltered him but also served him porridge and gave him tobacco to smoke. He entertained the peddler playing mjölis and talking to him till bedtime.
The old man was just as generous with his confidences as with his porridge and tobacco……….. all of thirty kronor in payment.
First of all the old man told about himself that he had been a crofter in the prime of his age. He would work at the ironmill and farms. However, due to old age, he could not do any physical work. Further, he informed that he had a cow that gave enough milk for the creamery and he survived on selling the milk.
He also added that the last month he had got 30 kronor by selling the milk. He thought the stranger might not believe him. Therefore, he brought the leather pouch which was hung with the nail just above the window, took out 3 ten kroner bills, and showed him. Then he put the money back and hung the pouch on the wall.
The next morning both the peddler and the crofter got up early in the morning in a pleasant mood. The peddler had got shelter, food, tobacco as well as entertainment. On the other hand, the crofter also got someone to talk to and share his feelings and emotions. The crofter was in a hurry to milk his cow, and therefore the peddler also got up and both of them went their ways. But half an hour later the peddler returned, smashed the window pane, took out the money from the pouch, and went away.
Q. What idea do you form about the crofter?
Ans. The crofter was a very simple-hearted person. Therefore, he not only told everything about himself to the stranger but also showed the money which he had kept in the pouch.
Q. How did the peddler return the hospitality of the crofters?
Ans. The peddler did not have the least respect for the hospitality of the crofter. That's why, he robbed him.
Q. Why did both of them get up in a good season?
Ans. Both the peddler and the crofter were quite pleased when they got up in the morning. On the one hand, the crofter got somebody to let out his emotions and to talk. On the other hand, the peddler got shelter, food, tobacco, and entertainment.
As he walked along with the money………… which he could never escape.
After stealing 30 kronor from the crofter's house, the peddler thought if he walked along the highway there was the possibility of being chased and arrested. That's why he left the highway and entered the forest.
Initially, there was no problem at all. He was so happy and even appreciated himself for stealing money. He thought that it was a very smart action. But a little later he realised that he had been walking in the same part of the forest. It was so confusing. The path twisted back and forth. At this juncture, the peddler realised that it was his turn to be trapped. The forest seemed to be an impenetrable prison from where there was no way out.
Q. How did the peddler feel after stealing 30 kronor from the crofter's house?
Ans. The peddler was quite pleased with his smartness. He was patting himself as if he had done a great job.
Q. How was the forest?
Ans. The forest was very confusing as the path twisted back and forth and therefore the peddler realised that he had been walking in the same part of the forest.
Q. When did the peddler realise that it was his turn to be trapped?
Ans. The peddler entered a very confusing forest and he did not find a way out. At this point realised that it was his turn to be trapped.
Q. Which literary device has been used in the last sentence of the paragraph?
Ans. Simile
It was late in December darkness was already descending over the forest……., and staggered in the direction of the sound.
The darkness had covered the forest. One can realise how he would be feeling all alone in the forest on the cold night of December. Finally, he fell to the ground and then heard a regular thumping sound. Immediately he realised that there was an ironmill in the nearby locality. He summoned all his strength and then started moving towards the direction from where the sound of the hammer was coming.
Q. Describe the feelings of the peddler when he did not find a way out.
Ans. The peddler thought that his end was near.
Q. What brought hope?
Ans. When the peddler heard the regular thumping, he realised that there must be an iron mill nearby.
The Ramsjö Ironworks which are now closed down were not so long ago…….. from the big charcoal crates.
In this paragraph, there is a description of the Ramsjö Ironmill. Earlier the mill was very famous. It had a smelter, a forge, and a rolling mill. Iron sheets were produced and then through the boats, these were supplied to the other parts of the country. Therefore, during summer long lines of boats could be noticed in the canal which was very close to the ironmill. In the wintertime, the path used to become black with coal dust.
Q. Write a few words about Ramsjö Ironmill.
Ans. Ramsjö ironmill was very famous earlier as it was well equipped. There was a smelter, a rolling mill, and even a forge. Good quality iron sheets were produced and then supplied to other parts of the country.
During one of the long dark evenings just before Christmas……….. whipped the rain against the brick tiled roof.
It was a very dark evening and there were two people in the forge. One was the master blacksmith and another one his helper. Both of them used to enter the furnace to turn the ore iron and when they returned they were wet with perspiration.
In the forge, there was a noisy atmosphere because of the groaning of the bellows, burning of coal that cracked, shovelling of charcoal into the maw of the furnace as well as the falling of rainwater on the roof and blowing of harsh wind, etc.
Q. Who were the two people in the forge when the peddler entered?
Ans. The master blacksmith and his helper.
Q. Why did they start dripping with perspiration?
Ans. Whenever they went inside the forge to turn the iron, they were wet with perspiration.
Q. How had the master blacksmith and his helper dressed?
Ans. Both of them were wearing long shirts and pairs of wooden shoes.
Q. Why were the master blacksmith and his helper unable to notice the entry of the peddler?
Ans. It was because of the noisy atmosphere in the forge due to the groaning of the bellows, cracking of the charcoal, and the clattering sound produced when the charcoal was lifted and put into the maw. Moreover, falling rain on the roof and the blowing of harsh wind also created noise.
Surely it was nothing unusual for poor vagabonds without any better shelter for the…….. without honouring him with a single word.
When the master blacksmith and his helper noticed the peddler they did not pay much attention. For them, it was nothing unusual. Very often some vagabond lost his way in the forest and reached the forge for shelter. That was the reason that they did not pay much attention when they saw the peddler in rags.
Later when the peddler sought permission for shelter, the master blacksmith gave just a haughty consent. He did not even talk to the peddler. On the other hand, the peddler was also not interested in talking to him. He had just come to stay the night and in the morning he would go quietly.
Q. How did the master blacksmith and his helper behave with the peddler?
Ans. Both the master blacksmith and his helper remained indifferent toward the peddler. When he requested permission to stay, the master blacksmith gave haughty consent. They did not even bother to talk to the peddler.
Q. How was the appearance of the peddler when he entered the forge?
Ans. The peddler was in rags. He was looking somewhat shabby. A few rattraps were hanging around his neck.
In those days the Ramsjö Ironmill was owned by a very prominent iron master…….. to get a better view of his face.
The owner of the mills was a famous ironmaster. He had a passion for supplying good quality iron sheets to the market, and therefore, visited the forge many times for inspection, even at night.
When the ironmaster entered the forge he found that someone was lying very close to the forge. Unlike the master blacksmith and his helper, the ironmaster wanted to know about him. Therefore, he went very close to the peddler to have a proper look at him.
Q. What do you know about the professional skills of the ironmaster?
Ans. The ironmaster was very famous and he had a passion for supplying good quality iron sheets to the market. Therefore, he continued to visit many times every day for inspection and even at night.
Q. How was the attitude of the ironmaster different from that of the master blacksmith and his helper?
Ans. The master blacksmith and his helper did not show any interest in the peddler. But when the ironmaster saw the peddler he went close to him to have a clear view of the man.
“But of course, it is you, Nils Olof!” he said. “ How do you look?”……… and help us make the Christmas food disappear a little faster.”
When the ironmaster saw the peddler, he mistook him for his old acquaintance Nils Olof. The peddler had never seen the ironmaster and did not know even his name. But he thought the ironmaster had mistaken him as an old acquaintance and therefore, he would take pity on him observing his miserable condition, and give a couple of kronor. Therefore, he did not reveal his identity.
The ironmaster was shocked to see his condition. When he asked the reason the peddler told God knew why things had gone downhill. Listening to this, the ironmaster expressed that he should not have resigned from the job. He also added only if he had been in the army, such a thing would not have happened.
The ironmaster did not give him any money. On the contrary, he invited the peddler to his house. But the peddler declined his invitation. He thought going to the manor house or the ironmaster's house would not be less than putting himself into the lion's den.
The ironmaster thought that the peddler was not ready to visit his house because of his poor clothing and poor appearance. Therefore, he tried to convince the peddler saying that there were only two people in his house: he and his oldest daughter. Further, he said that his wife was dead and his sons were living abroad. But still, the peddler did not consent.
Q. Why did the peddler not reveal his identity?
Ans. He thought that the ironmaster had mistaken him for his old acquaintance. Therefore, observing his miserable condition. he would give him a couple of Kronor.
Q. What does this episode tell you about the peddler?
Ans. It shows he was greedy, mean, and selfish.
Q. What did the ironmaster mistake the peddler with?
Ans. The ironmaster mistook the peddler for his old regimental comrade.
Q. Who was Nils Olof?
Ans. Nils Olof was the ironmaster's regimental comrade who had resigned from the job.
Q. Why did the peddler refuse to accompany the ironmaster to his house?
Ans. The peddler had stolen 30 kronor from the crofter's house and therefore feared that he might be recognised and then arrested by the police. That's why he did not want to visit the ironmaster's house
Q. Who was Elizabeth?
Ans. Elizabeth was the ironmaster's wife and she was dead.
Q. Which literary device has been used there in these lines?
Ans. Simile has been used.
Q. “Please don't think that I have such a fine home that you cannot show yourself there.” Who said these words and to whom? Why did the speaker say these words?
Ans. These words are spoken by the ironmaster to the peddler. He said these words to convince the peddler to visit his house.
Q. How did the ironmaster try to convince the peddler to visit his house?
Ans. The ironmaster told the peddler that he should not feel shy visiting his house because only two people were living there - he and his daughter. Further, he added that his wife was dead and his sons were living abroad. Finally, he told him if he visited his house, the Christmas food would be consumed faster.
“It looks as though Captain Von Stahle preferred to stay with you tonight………” and seemed to be quite frightened.
When the ironmaster was unable to convince the peddler to visit his house, he addressed the master blacksmith saying that Captain Von Stahle i.e. the peddler wanted to stay in the forge with him that night. Thereafter, he went away.
A little later the ironmaster's daughter arrived with the valet. The ironmaster had sent her to convince the peddler. She went very close to the forge where the man was sleeping having a piece of ore iron under his head. As soon as she removed his hat, he just jumped up.
Q. What did the master blacksmith think when the ironmaster laughed and said to him,“ It looks as though Captain Von Stahle preferred to stay with you tonight,.....”?
Ans. The master blacksmith knew that the ironmaster had not said his last words and that he would surely make more efforts to take the peddler home.
Q. How did the peddler react when the ironmaster's daughter removed his hat?
Ans. He jumped up abruptly and appeared to be frightened.
“My name is Edla Willmansson,” said the young girl. “My father came home and said that………. “I will come at once.”
First of all the ironmaster's daughter introduced herself saying her name was Edla Willmansson. After that, she said that she had come after knowing from her father that he was staying in the forge. She also expressed regret over his condition.
Edla Willmansson, the daughter of the ironmaster, started looking at the peddler sympathetically, and then she realised that the man was afraid. The fear was the same one can find in the eyes of a person who has either escaped from jail or stolen something.
Despite suspecting the peddler a thief or an absconder, she was not harsh with him. Still, she remained friendly and polite and requested him to accompany her. Further, she added that they wanted him to celebrate Christmas.
The friendly and kind behaviour of Edla impressed the peddler so much that he immediately agreed to visit the ironmaster's house.
Q. How was the behaviour of Edla towards the peddler?
Ans. She was kind, sympathetic, and friendly with the peddler.
Q. How did Edla try to comfort the peddler?
Ans. She comforted the peddler saying she was sorry to know he was passing through the worst phase of his life.
Q. What did Edla conclude after examining him or observing him?
Ans. Edla thought the man was a thief or he had escaped from prison.
Q. Edla Willmansson thought that the peddler was either a thief or he had escaped from prison, and she was right.
Q. What does this reveal about her character?
Ans. She was a keen observer of men and matters.
Q. Why did the peddler agree to visit the ironmaster’s house?
Ans. It was all because of the kind and friendly behaviour of Edla that he agreed to visit the ironmaster's house.
He accepted the fur coat which the valet handed him……….. “Now I am sitting in the trap and will never get out of it.”
The peddler accepted the fur coat and set out for the ironmaster's house. While he was going towards the manor house, the peddler’s mind was full of evil thoughts. He was cursing himself for stealing 30 kronor from the crofter's house. He thought that once again he had put himself in danger. Now he had been trapped and that would never be able to come out.
Q. What did the peddler think while heading towards the manor house?
Ans. He had evil forebodings. He thought that he had been trapped once again, and could never come out of it.
The next day was Christmas Eve and when the ironmaster came into the dining room……… that he gets something else to do than to run around the country selling rattraps.
The next day it was Christmas and the ironmaster and his daughter were waiting for the peddler at the breakfast table. The ironmaster was quite satisfied that he was successful in bringing his old regimental comrade to his house.
The ironmaster had made some plans for his old regimental comrade. He expressed that first of all, they should see that he got some flesh over his bones and then he would give some financial help to improve his condition.
Q. How did the ironmaster feel after he had succeeded in bringing his old regimental comrade to his house?
Ans. The ironmaster was filled with satisfaction after the arrival of the peddler.
Q. What plans did the ironmaster have about the peddler?
Ans. The ironmaster expressed that the man should be given nutritious food so that he could be a healthy person. Thereafter he wanted to give him some financial help.
It is queer that things have gone downhill with him as badly as that………. The tramp manners will fall away from him with the tramp clothes.
These words are spoken by Edla. According to her, when she saw the peddler in the forge she realised that he was not educated. The ironmaster, in reply, said it was all because of his poor clothing. As soon as his tramp clothes disappeared, he would be a new man.
Q. What suspicion did Edla have about the peddler?
Ans. Edla suspected that the peddler was not an educated person.
Q. What did the ironmaster say when his daughter suspected the peddler to be uneducated?
Ans. The ironmaster disagreed with his daughter's assertions. He said that it was all because of his clothes and tramp manners. He would become a different person once his garments vanished.
Just as he said this the door opened and the stranger entered………. “What does this mean?” he thundered.
While the ironmaster was saying all these, the door opened and the peddler entered. He was looking like a new man. His hair had been cut; he had been shaved and he was given the ironmaster's dress to wear i.e. white shirt, a starched collar, and whole shoes.
The peddler was certainly well-groomed and well-dressed. But the ironmaster was not happy. Now he realised that the previous night he had mistaken the man for an old acquaintance because of the darkness in the forge as well as his shabby appearance. Therefore, he shouted at the peddler and said,“ What does this mean?”
Q. Why was the ironmaster not happy despite finding the stranger well-groomed?
Ans. At this point, the ironmaster realised that he had mistaken the man for his old acquaintance.
Q. Why was the peddler looking like a new man?
Ans. It was because he had been shaved, his hair had been cut and he had been bathed by the servants. Also, he had been given the ironmaster’s dress to wear.
Q. Why did the ironmaster mistake the peddler for his old acquaintance?
Ans. In the forge there was darkness and also the man was having quite a shabby appearance. That's why the ironmaster mistook the peddler as an old acquaintance.
Q. How did the ironmaster react when he realised that the man was not his old acquaintance?
Ans. The ironmaster was unhappy and enraged. He shouted and also threatened to call the sheriff.
The stranger made no attempt to dissimulate. He saw at once that the splendour……… “But now get out of here as fast as you can.”
The peddler realised that it would be useless to defend himself or hide his identity. But still, he was not ready to accept his mistake and put the whole blame on the ironmaster. He said that he always tried to show that he was a poor trader and wanted to stay in the forge but it was the ironmaster who brought him. Further, he added that no harm had been done, and therefore he would put on his old clothes and go away from there.
Listening to this, the ironmaster told that the Sheriff should say something about the matter. The peddler once again reacted very strongly. He hit hard on the table and talked about his metaphor. He said that the whole world is a rattrap and all the good things are nothing but bait like cheese rinds and pieces of pork. He further said if the Sheriff came, he would be arrested and put behind bars. But one day the ironmaster would find a big piece of pork and then he would also be trapped.
When the ironmaster learned about the peddler's views about the world and how he described everything, his anger evaporated. He laughed and asked the peddler to get out.
Q. Which aspect of the peddler's character has been highlighted here?
Ans. He also had a good sense of humour.
Q. How did the peddler try to defend himself?
Ans. The peddler told the ironmaster that he always asserted that he was a poor trader and wanted to stay in the forge. But the ironmaster insisted and, therefore, he had come to his residence. Further, he added that he would put on his rags and go away.
Q. How was the reaction of the ironmaster?
Ans. The ironmaster lost his temper and shouted at him. Furthermore, he threatened to call the sheriff.
Q. How was the reaction of the peddler when the ironmaster threatened to call the Sheriff?
Ans. The peddler struck hard on the table and talked about his metaphor i.e. the world being a rattrap. Further, he said if the sheriff came he would be arrested and put behind bars. But one day the ironmaster would find a big piece of pork and would be trapped.
Q. How was the reaction of the ironmaster when the peddler talked about his metaphor?
Ans. The ironmaster's anger went down and he began to laugh. Then he asked the peddler to get out immediately saying the Sheriff would come on the occasion of Christmas.
But just as the man was opening the door, ……….. she had interceded for the vagabond.
While the peddler was about to come out of the ironmaster's house, his daughter Edla Willmansson interfered and told her father that the man would stay there.
She was a bit embarrassed also as she was going to stop the stranger who tried to deceive her father. She did not know why she was doing so. But after the arrival of the peddler she was in a somewhat festive mood. Very enthusiastically Edla prepared dishes for the poor man.
Q. What did Edla do while the peddler was going out?
Ans. Edla intervened and stopped the peddler closing the door. She told her father that she wanted him to stay in the house.
Q. How did Edla feel after the arrival of the peddler?
Ans. Edla felt quite Christmassy and homelike.
Q. “I think he out to stay with us today. I don't want him to go”. Who refers to him? Why did the speaker not want to let him go?
Ans. “ He” refers to the peddler. The speaker, who is Edla, did not want the peddler to go from the house as she was feeling happy and was in a festive mood after the arrival of the peddler. She wanted to do something for the poor man which shows her kindness and helpfulness.
“I'm thinking of the stranger here,” said the young girl…………… “You do preach worse than a parson.”
Edla, who had very good convincing power, began to argue with her father. She told him that she wanted to give the poor peddler just one day of peace and rest because he did not have even a day’s rest and peace in the whole year. She also added that throughout the year the man continued to wander from one place to another and was often arrested and cross-examined.
Further, she said it was a mistake that they brought the man thinking that he was an old acquaintance. But they had promised him Christmas cheer or Christmas celebration. It would be unethical and wrong to drive away a poor man on the occasion of Christmas, which is the symbol of kindness and sympathy.
The arguments made the ironmaster almost speechless and he did not have anything to say at all in front of his daughter. He could only say that she was preaching like a parson.
Q. "You do preach worse than a parson," said the ironmaster to his daughter. Why?
Ans. The ironmaster's daughter Edla Willmansson argued that it would be quite wrong and against the spirit of Christmas to drive away a poor man. She also reminded her father that they had brought him with the promise of Christmas cheer.
Q. “It was all a mistake of course…” Which mistake has been referred to here?
Ans. Bringing the peddler home mistaking an old acquaintance.
Q. Why did the ironmaster begin to mumble?
Ans. After hearing his daughter’s argument for stopping the peddler, he started mumbling.
Q. What did Edla say about the peddler?
Ans. According to Edla, the peddler continued to wander from one place to another throughout the year. Very often he was arrested and cross-examined. Thus he did not have even a day's rest.
The young girl took the stranger by the hand and led him up to the table……………….. blinking as though candlelight hurt him.
The ironmaster’s daughter first took him by his hand, brought him to the dining table and asked him to sit and eat. The man was doing two things: first eating and then gazing at Edla thinking about what it was that led her to stop him even after knowing that he tried to deceive her father.
At the ironmaster's house, the peddler did not cause any trouble. He continued to sleep for many hours. At noon he was woken up to have his share of Christmas meals and after that again he went to sleep. In the evening once again he was woken up at the time of lighting the Christmas tree. A little later again he went to sleep.
Q. Why was the peddler looking at Edla with surprise?
A.ns. The peddler was quite surprised because even after knowing his truth she stopped him and was treating him like a guest.
Q. What did the peddler do the whole forenoon?
Ans. The peddler slept in the guest room at one stretch.
Q. Why was the peddler woken up in the evening?
Ans. The peddler was woken up in the evening so that he could enjoy the celebration and lighting of the Christmas tree.
Q. How was the peddler behaving or reacting when the Christmas tree was being lit?
Ans. The light seemed to be piercing and therefore again and again he was blinking his eyes and finally went to sleep.
Two hours later he was aroused once more…………… He only stared at the young girl in boundless amazement.
Two hours later the peddler was woken up. He went to the dining room and enjoyed the Christmas meal, including fish and porridge. Thereafter, he went to everyone to thank them, and finally, when he came close to Edla, she told him that the dress he was wearing was a Christmas gift from her father and thus there was no need to return it. She also told him he should be careful that nothing wrong happened to him. Then he would find such a place to celebrate Christmas again. She was trying to tell the peddler that if he did not do anything wrong and did not get involved in any unlawful activities, life would be better for him. Next Christmas he could find such a place again to celebrate the festival.
The peddler after hearing all these looked at Edla in boundless amazement. First of all, Edla did not let him go despite knowing that he was trying to cheat them and then treated him like a guest. She also gifted him her father's dress. Moreover, she invited the peddler to celebrate Christmas next year and cautioned him to be careful about his activities.
Q. What did the peddler do after the Christmas meal at night?
Ans. After having the Christmas meal, the peddler went to everyone present there and thanked them.
Q. What did Edla gift the peddler?
Ans. Edla gifted the dress, which the peddler was wearing, and said that it was a Christmas present from her father.
Q. What did Edla finally tell the peddlers?
Ans. Edla told the peddler that if he wanted to rest in peace the next Christmas also, he should be careful about his activities and that he must ensure that no evil would befall him.
Q. Why did the peddler look at Edla in boundless amazement?
Ans. Edla had been very kind and friendly with the peddler. She stopped him even after realising that he was not a good man. Then she gifted him her father's dress and even invited him to celebrate Christmas the next year. All these made the peddler look at Edla in boundless amazement.
The next morning the ironmaster and his daughter got up in good season to go to the early Christmas service………….
Ironmaster and his daughter Edla Willmansson were happy the next morning as the Christmas celebration passed quite well. While they were going to church for prayer, they found their guest sleeping, and therefore they did not think it right to wake him up.
At the church, they got to know that an old crofter of the ironmill had been robbed by a rattrap seller. At this juncture, it became evident that the man was a thief.
The ironmaster began to let out his anger on his daughter. He began to blame her saying it was she who stopped the peddler. But she did not say even a word. Nor she argued with her father. She was sitting in the carriage very sadly.
Q. What did the ironmaster and his daughter come to know at the church?
Ans. They got to know that the rattrap seller had robbed an old crofter of the ironmill and at this point, it was clear that the man was a thief.
Q. Why was Edla sitting dejectedly?
Ans. When she got to know that the man, whom she had stopped arguing with her father, was a thief.
Q. How was the reaction of the ironmaster after knowing that the man staying in their house was a thief?
Ans. The ironmaster was quite enraged and put the whole blame on his daughter saying it was she who stopped the peddler. He also apprehended that no costly items would be left in the house as everything must have been carried away by the peddler.
The wagon had hardly stopped at the front steps when the ironmaster asked the valet……….. Miss Willmansson was to be kind enough to accept as a Christmas present.
The ironmaster was somewhat impatient. That's why, he put the whole blame on his daughter. As soon as the wagon or carriage stopped near the house, the ironmaster asked the servant if the stranger was still staying or if he had gone. The ironmaster also added that the man was a thief.
In reply, the servant said that the stranger had gone but he had not carried anything with him. On the contrary, he had left a gift for Edla Willmansson.
Q. What did the ironmaster ask the valet?
Ans. The ironmaster asked the servant if the stranger was still staying or had departed.
Q. Which literary device has been used in the expression “he had heard at church”
Ans. Alliteration
Q. What did the valet inform the ironmaster?
Ans. The valet informed the ironmaster that the peddler or the stranger had departed but he had not carried anything with him. Instead, he had left a Christmas gift for Edla Willmansson.
The young girl opened the package which was so badly done up……………. That way he had got power to clear himself.
As soon as Edla opened the package, she cried with joy. When she looked inside, she found a small rattrap as a Christmas gift for her and three ten kronor notes which he had stolen from the crofter’s house. Besides, there was a letter addressed to Edla
In his letter, the peddler thanked Edla for being so kind and for treating him like a captain. He also mentioned that if she had not been sympathetic, kind, and friendly once again he would have been trapped. Further, he mentioned that he would not like to embarrass her on the occasion of Christmas because it was she who treated him like a captain. He had requested Edla to accept the small rattrap as a Christmas gift and return 30 kronor to the crofter.
Finally, he signed himself as captain Von Stahle. This action of the peddler is a clear indication that he is a changed person now. It is a kind of promise that he will not get involved in any wrong activities in the future.
Q. Why did Edla cry with joy?
Ans. Edla Willmansson was dejected after knowing that the man was a thief. Moreover, her father was continuously scolding her for giving shelter to the peddler. Therefore, when she opened the packet and found a small rattrap as a Christmas gift and the three ten kronor notes, she cried with joy because the man had not disappointed her. Moreover, it indicated that the man was a changed person.
Q. What did the package contain?
Ans. The package contained a small rattrap which was a Christmas gift for her, three ten kronor notes, and a letter that was addressed to Edla.
Q. What did the peddler write in the letter?
Ans. In the letter, the peddler thanked Edla for being nice and friendly and for raising him to the position of captain. He also mentioned that he must have been trapped once again if she had not shown sympathy and saved him.
Q. Why did the peddler sign himself as Captain Von Stahle?
Ans. The ironmaster’s daughter had thoroughly been kind and compassionate towards the peddler. As a result, the peddler was a transformed person. He was treated like a captain at the ironmaster's house. Therefore, he signed himself as a captain.
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