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On The Face Of It by Susan Hill for 12 English CBSE (Summary, Detailed Explanation, Word Meaning, Literary Devices and Question-Answer)



By Susan Hill



Susan Hill is a renowned English author. She was born on February 5, 1942. She has contributed immensely to the contemporary literature. She became famous after the publication of “The Woman in Black”  in 1983. Susan Hill has successfully tried her hands on various genres, including novels, short stories, and non-fiction. Her works deal with psychological depth and human relationships. She has an extraordinary narrative power.


"On the Face of It" by Susan Hill highlights how people with physical disabilities often experience loneliness and pain. Here we find the struggle and inner conflict of individuals with physical disabilities. Derry and Mr Lamb, despite their physical limitations, possess inner strength.  This play also reveals how a few kind words can make a huge difference in their lives. It teaches us to appreciate life in all its forms. What truly matters isn’t how someone looks, but how he thinks.  


Startled: surprised/shocked

Tentatively: hesitantly

Startled: shocked

Crab apples: a small sour apple /wild apple

Windfall: something(such as a tree or fruit) blown down by the wind

Scrump: steal fruit such as apples from the tree

Pretend: to behave as if something is true when you know that it is not

Weed: unwanted plant

Stare: to look at fixedly

Daft: silly/foolish

Dribble: to have liquid slowly coming out of the mouth

Whispered: To say something very slowly

Peculiar: strange

Hive: a structure where bees live

Trespassing: enter  without  permission

Steady: stable/relax

Creak: a harsh sound of wood

Swish: a  hissing  sound

Panting: quick  breaths

Summary/Detailed Explanation & Question-Answer of "On The Face Of It"

In Mr. Lamb's garden, one could hear birds chirping and tree leaves rustling. Derry, a young boy, was walking through the tall grass cautiously and stealthily.  He suddenly stopped and then continued walking. He seemed to be nervous. As he reached the bushes, he heard Mr Lamb's voice which made Derry almost jump in surprise because he had expected that it was an empty garden.

Q. Why did Derry enter Mr Lamb’s garden?                                                                                                              

Ans. Derry thought that the garden was empty. Therefore, he entered it.                                                            

Q. Why was Derry surprised?                                                                                                                     

Ans. When he heard Mr Lamb’s voice, Derry was surprised because he had thought that the garden was empty.


MR LAMB: Mind the apples!                                                                                                                                         

DERRY: What? Who’s that? Who’s there?........................................................................................................                                                                          

DERRY: [Panic] I’ve got to go.

  • Mr Lamb asked Derry to be careful about the crab apples hidden in the long grass. Derry was surprised to hear. Then Mr Lamb introduced himself and suggested Derry to walk carefully as he might trip due to the crab apples hidden in the grass. 

  • Derry explained that he had entered the garden thinking it was empty. Mr. Lamb comforted Derry saying that he should not be afraid. When Derry repeated that he thought the house was empty, Mr Lamb explained that it was empty while he was not in the garden. 

  • Further, he added that he was outside because it was a beautiful day and he didn't want to be indoors. Derry was afraid and said that he had to go.

Q. Why did Mr Lamb ask Derry to be careful?                                                                                                            

Ans. Mr Lamb asked Derry to be careful because he feared that the latter might trip due to crab apples hidden in the grass.                                                                                                                                                          

Q. What explanation did Derry give?                                                                                                                                    

Ans. Derry explained that he had entered the garden because he thought that it was empty.                                              

Q. Why did Mr Lamb come outside?                                                                                                                                

Ans. It was because of nice weather.                                                                                                                     

Q. What made Derry panicky?                                                                                                                                                  

Ans. Presence of Mr Lamb.

MR LAMB: Not on my account. I don’t mind who comes into the garden. The gate’s always open. Only you climbed the garden wall……………………………………………………………………………… Underneath, you are afraid. Anybody would be. I am. When I look in the mirror, and see it, I’m afraid of me.

  • When Derry said that he should go away, Mr Lamb tried to comfort him and told him that he(Derry) should not go because of him.  Mr Lamb mentioned that he always kept the gate open and thus anyone could enter his garden. At the same time, he pointed out that Derry climbed the wall to get in. 

  • This made Derry a bit irritated. He thought that Mr. Lamb was blaming him. Derry clarified that he hadn't come to steal anything from the garden. Mr Lamb once again tried to comfort Derry saying that only small kids used to steal, and that he was not so young.

  •  When Derry insisted on going, Mr Lamb told Derry not to be scared of him and to stay for a while. Derry explained that he wasn't afraid of anyone; instead, people were scared of him. 

  • Derry explained that people got scared when they saw his face. Some thought it was bad or ugly, while others felt sorry for him and called him a poor boy. It was all because of his ugly face. He even admitted that he got scared when he looked at himself in the mirror.

Q. Why did Mr Lamb try to stop Derry from leaving?                                                                                    

Ans. Mr Lamb thought Derry was leaving because he was afraid of him.                                                       

Q. Why did Derry climb the wall instead of using the gate?                                                                                  

Ans. Derry didn't want anyone to see him coming into the garden.                                                                  

Q. Why was Derry angry?                                                                                                                                    

Ans. Derry thought that Mr Lamb was blaming him for stealing apples.                                                                 

Q. What did Mr Lamb say to comfort Derry?                                                                                                 

Ans. Mr Lamb told Derry he should not be afraid, and stay for some time. 


Q. What did Derry say about other people's thoughts and behaviour?                                                        

Ans. Derry said that people were afraid of him and that they pretended to be nice but were scared of his appearance.                                                                                                                                                     

Q. What did Derry say about his self-perception?                                                                                        

Ans. Derry said he was afraid when looking at his face in the mirror.                                                                  

Q. What did Derry clarify to Mr. Lamb?
Ans. Derry clarified that he hadn't come to steal anything from the garden.                                                                      

Q. Why did Mr Lamb mention stolen apples to Derry?
Ans. Mr Lamb mentioned that apples had been stolen before by young boys, implying that Derry wasn't too young to steal.                                                                                                                                                                                   

Q. How did Derry describe people's reactions to his face?
Ans. Some people thought his face was bad or ugly, while others pitied him, calling him a poor boy, but Derry thought they feared his appearance.

 MR LAMB: No, Not the whole of you. Not of you……………………………………………………………                                                                                

DERRY: Not in a fire. I got acid all down that side of my face and it burned it all away. It ate my face up. It ate me up. And now it’s like this and it won’t ever be any different.

  • Mr Lamb told Derry that he wasn't afraid of him. Then Mr. Lamb said he would bring a ladder and stick to pull down some crab apples to make jelly. He also told Derry to help him.

  • Derry got angry and said that Mr Lamb was changing the topic like others. Moreover, he added that Mr Lamb didn't ask about Derry's face because he was afraid. 

  • Derry became upset and said that he didn't like being around people. Mr Lamb guessed that Derry's face had been burned in a fire. Then Derry explained that acid fell on his face and burned it. He further expressed that acid had not only made him look ugly, but also spoilt his whole life, and that it would never look different.

Q. What did Mr Lamb tell Derry to comfort him?                                                                                                            

Ans. Mr Lamb said he wasn't afraid of Derry.                                                                                                                   

Q. Why did Derry accuse Mr Lamb of changing the subject?                                                                                                    

Ans. Derry thought Mr Lamb was changing the topic because he did not want to talk about his face.                  

Q.  How did Derry feel about being around people?
Ans. Derry told that he did not like the company of people as they were afraid of him.                                                     

Q. What did Derry say about his face?                                                                                                                        

Ans. Derry said that his face was burnt by acid.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Q. What did Mr. Lamb plan to do with a ladder and stick?
Ans. Mr. Lamb planned to use a ladder and stick to pull down ripe crab apples to make jelly.                                

Q. What did Mr. Lamb say about the crab apples in September?
Ans. Mr Lamb mentioned that in September, the crab apples become ripe and turn into magical fruits with orange and golden colours.

MR LAMB: No.                                                                                                                                                                 

DERRY: Aren’t you interested?  …………………………………………………………………………………                                                                                                                                     

MR LAMB: Like crab apples or the weeds or a spider climbing up a silken ladder, or my tall sunflowers.

  • Derry thought that Mr Lamb was not interested in his story. To this, Mr. Lamb said that he was interested in every creation of God. 

  • He pointed out at a wall and asked him what he saw beyond it. Derry replied that there were weeds or unwanted plants. Mr Lamb explained that there were several plants in his garden. There were flowers, trees and herbs - some plants were considered good and some were called weeds. It was not because they were different, all of them were green in colour. It was about how people considered them to be herbs or weeds. 

  • Derry did not agree to this. Mr. Lamb told him that there was no difference. He was young and Mr. Lamb was old. He had a burned face and Mr. Lamb had a tin leg. 

  • When Derry asked Mr Lamb the reason behind his tin leg, the latter replied that it got blown off in an explosion many years ago. Further, he added that kids called him 'Lamey Lamb'. 

  • Then Derry said that he could cover the tin leg with his trousers and no one would notice. Mr Lamb said that he was not worried about the people’s gaze or remark. According to Mr Lamb, there were so many other things to look at like crab apples, weeds, spiders and the tall sunflowers 

Q. Did Mr. Lamb agree with Derry's opinion that he was not interested in his story?                                           

Ans. No, Mr. Lamb clarified that he was interested in every creation of God.                                                

Q. What did Mr. Lamb ask Derry to see beyond the wall?                                                                             

Ans. Mr Lamb asked Derry to see the weeds or unwanted plants beyond the wall.                                       

Q. How did Mr. Lamb explain the difference between herbs and weeds?                                                        

Ans. Mr Lamb explained that both herbs and weeds were green in colour, but people's perceptions made them different.                                                                                                                                                                         

Q. What did Mr. Lamb say about his tin leg?                                                                                                                

Ans. Mr Lamb said that his leg was blown off. Moreover, he said that kids had nicknamed him "Lamey Lamb."                                                                                                                                                                           

Q. How did Derry suggest Mr Lamb hide his tin leg?                                                                                                          

Ans. Derry suggested that Mr Lamb would cover his tin leg with trousers and thus nobody would notice.                        

Q. How did Mr. Lamb respond to Derry's suggestion?                                                                                                      

Ans. Mr Lamb said that he didn't pay attention to what people thought about him.

DERRY: Things.                                                                                                                                                                     

MR LAMB: It’s all relative. Beauty and the Beast…………………………………………………………………                                                                                                                             

DERRY: Who’d let me? Not one.                                                                                                                                             

MR LAMB: Who can tell?

  • Derry was surprised that Mr Lamb was talking about things. Then Mr. Lamb explained that all those things were connected, just like beauty and the beast. He meant that something beautiful can also be connected to something not so beautiful. 

  • When Mr Lamb asked Derry to explain, the latter said he had heard people saying that it is the inner beauty that counts. He told a story about a pretty girl who loved a beast and when she kissed him, he turned into a handsome prince. But Derry said that he wouldn't change.

  • Then Derry said that nobody ever kissed him because of his ugly face. Even he complained that his mother kissed only the better side of his face. He said he didn't care if nobody kissed him anyway. Mr Lamb asked if Derry ever wanted to kiss someone. Derry said nobody would ever let him do it. 

Q. What did Mr. Lamb say about the connectedness of things?                                                                          

Ans. He compared it to Beauty and the Beast..                                                                                                                       

Q. What did Derry say about real beauty?                                                                                                                            

Ans. He believed real beauty comes from within.                                                                                                                   

Q. What story did Derry share to support his belief in inner beauty?                                                                                      

Ans. He mentioned a story about a beautiful girl who kissed a beast. As a result, the beast transformed into a handsome prince.                                                                                                                                                                           

Q. What was Derry’s complaint about his mother?

Ans. His mother only kissed the better side of his face.                                                                                                           

Q. What did Derry feel about the prospect of being kissed?                                                                                                           

Ans. He said he didn't care if nobody kissed him. Further, he said that nobody would ever kiss him except his mother.

DERRY: I won’t ever look different. When I’m as old as you, I’ll look the same. I’ll still only have half a face…….

MR LAMB: And that’s all true, and you know it.

  • Derry was worried about his future. He regretted that he would never look normal, even when he grew old.  Mr. Lamb, a worldly-wise person tried to divert Derry's attention. He said that the world is a beautiful place and that it is to look at. 

  • Derry asked if the garden was Mr Lamb's world, to which Mr Lamb replied that it was, at least when he was present there. 

  • The conversation then shifted to Mr. Lamb's artificial leg. Derry asked if the tin hurt. In reply, Mr Lamb said that sometimes, in wet weather. Further, he said that it was not important. 

  • Derry said that people used to tell him to learn from those who suffered and never complained. Derry mentioned people advised him to look at those in worse conditions, like being blind or deaf, in a wheelchair, or born with a mental disorder. 

Q. How did Mr Lamb respond when Derry expressed concern about his appearance.?                                             

Ans. Mr Lamb tried to encourage Derry and suggested to focus on the beauty of the world around him rather than regretting his physical appearance.                                                                                         

Q. What did Derry ask about Mr Lamb's garden?                                                                                            

Ans. Derry asked whether the garden was the entire world for Mr Lamb.                                                 

Q. What did Mr. Lamb say about his artificial leg?                                                                                                       

Ans. Mr Lamb explained that the artificial leg didn't cause him pain anymore. Further, he told that it pained in wet weather.                                                                                                                              

Q. What did people suggest Derry?                                                                                                                                  

Ans. People suggested Derry to look at the people whose condition was worse than him like those who were blind, deaf, handicapped, or those suffering from mental illness.

DERRY: It won’t make my face change. Do you know, one day, a woman went by me in the street — I was at a bus stop — and she was with another woman, and she looked at me, and she said……….

MR LAMB: If you’d seen me, you’d not have come in.



  • Derry told Mr Lamb a story about a woman who remarked that Derry had such a horrible face that only his mother would love. Mr Lamb asked if Derry believed what she said, and whether that was the only occasion when he heard such a remark. 

  • In reply, Derry said he had heard so many things, not just that one comment. Then Mr Lamb suggested him to ignore those harsh remarks. Mr Lamb said that he liked talking and being around people. He also said Derry could leave if he wanted to as the gates were open. 

  •  Moreover, Mr Lamb talked about the sound of bees. According to Mr Lamb,  most people considered it irritating. But for him, it was like a song, and he enjoyed the singing of the bees.  

  • Derry said he entered the garden because he liked it. Mr. Lamb asked if Derry had seen him(Mr Lamb) he would have entered (Mr Lamb), and Derry said no.

Q. Why did Derry tell Mr Lamb a story about a woman?

Ans. Derry wanted to explain how people used to pass harsh comments on his face.

Q. What did Mr. Lamb suggest to Derry about the harsh comments by the people?

Ans. Mr Lamb suggested that Derry should ignore those words.

Q. What did Mr. Lamb say about the buzzing sound of bees?

Ans. Mr Lamb thought the buzzing sound of bees was like a beautiful song.

Q. Would Derry have entered the garden if he had seen Mr Lamb?

Ans. No, Derry said that he wouldn't have entered if he had seen Mr. Lamb.                                                                                                                     

Q. What was Mr. Lamb's metaphor for dealing with negativity?                                                            

Ans. He compared mean words to buzzing bees, suggesting that instead of getting annoyed, one should appreciate their unique melody.

DERRY: It’d have been trespassing.

MR LAMB: Ah. That’s not why.

DERRY: I don’t like being near people. When they stare………………

DERRY: But….you still say peculiar things.

MR LAMB: Peculiar to some.

  • Derry expressed that he did not like being near people because they were afraid of him. 

  • Listening to Derry, Mr Lamb remarked that he should lock himself in a room. Then he told a story about a man who did just that because he was afraid of everything. The man thought that a bus might hit him or be infected by germs, or kicked by a donkey, or even something silly like slipping on a banana peel. So, the man locked himself in a room to stay safe. 

  • Then Derry asked if the man stayed locked up forever. Mr Lamb revealed that a portrait hanging on the wall fell on his head, and he died. 

  • This made Derry laugh a lot, and he said Mr Lamb was telling strange things. Mr Lamb said they' were strange to some people.

Q. Why did Derry feel bad about entering the garden?

Ans. Derry thought entering the garden when Mr Lamb was there would be like going without permission.

Q. What was Mr Lamb's funny suggestion to Derry to avoid stares?

Ans. To lock himself in a room. 

Q. Why did the man in Mr. Lamb's story lock himself in a room?

Ans. He was scared of many things like a bus hitting him, catching germs, getting kicked by a donkey, or even something silly like slipping on a banana peel.  Therefore he locked himself to remain safe.

Q. What happened to the man who had locked himself up?

Ans. A portrait fell on his head and he died.

Q. Why did Derry laugh a lot after hearing what happened in the story?

Ans. He found it funny that something unexpected like a picture falling caused the man's death.

DERRY: What do you do all day?

MR LAMB: Sit in the sun. Read books. Ah, you thought it was an empty house, but inside, it’s full. Books and other things. Full……………… 


MR LAMB: Same way as I do.

  • Derry asked  Mr Lamb what he did all day. He replied that he used to sit in the sun and read books. He informed Derry that the house was full of books. 

  • When Derry asked why there weren’t any curtains on the windows, Mr Lamb replied that he did not like curtains. He liked natural light and darkness, and the wind too. 

  • Listening to Mr Lamb, Derry said that he also liked the sound of the rain falling on the roof of his house. Mr Lamb commented that Derry had not lost his interest in life as he could hear. 

  • Derry said that his family was worried about him. According to Derry, he had heard his parents saying what would happen to him when they were no more. 

  • Mr Lamb said that Derry had everything – two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, etc. In this way, he wanted to make Derry realise that he did not lack anything. He added that Derry could do a lot if he was determined. Derry asked how it was possible and Mr Lamb replied that he could do it by listening, watching, thinking etc.

Q. What did Mr. Lamb do all day?

Ans. Mr Lamb sat in the sun and read books.

Q. Why didn't Mr. Lamb have curtains on his windows?

Ans. Mr  Lamb didn't like curtains; he preferred natural light, darkness, and the wind.

Q. What did Derry say he liked?

Ans. Derry liked the sound of rain falling on the roof of his house.

Q. Why did Derry's family worry about his future?

Ans. They were worried because of his burned face. They used to be upset to think what he would do in the future.

Q. What did Mr. Lamb want Derry to realise about himself?

Ans. Mr Lamb wanted Derry to realise that he did not lack anything as he had two arms, two legs, two eyes, etc., and he could achieve a lot if he was determined.

Q. How did Mr Lamb suggest Derry could accomplish things?

Ans. Mr Lamb suggested that Derry could accomplish things in the same way he did i.e. watching, listening and thinking.

Q. What is Mr. Lamb's message to Derry?                                                                                                                   Ans.  He wants Derry to focus on his abilities and, not his limitations.

DERRY: Do you have any friends?

MR LAMB: Hundreds.

DERRY: But you live by yourself in that house. It’s a big house, too……………… 

DERRY: How could I? You pass people in the street and you might even speak to them, but you never see them again. It doesn’t mean they’re friends.

  • When Derry asked Mr Lamb if he had friends, the latter said he had hundreds. Derry pointed out Mr Lamb's solitary life in a large house.  In reply, he said that he considered everyone his friend. He also expressed that many people visited his garden as the gate was always open. They sat together by the fire in winter. The children came to get apples, pears, and toffees.

  • When Mr Lamb called Derry his friend, the latter refused to accept him (Mr Lamb) as his friend. Derry further explained that Mr Lamb even did not know his name. Mr Lamb said he didn't think it was important to know everything for making a friend. 

  • He said Derry could tell him his name if he wanted. Derry said his name was Derek, but he preferred to be called Derry. 

  • He mentioned that if he stopped visiting, they wouldn't be friends anymore. But Mr Lamb disagreed. Thereafter, Derry expressed that a lot of people came across every day, but that did not mean they were friends

Q. Did Derry think Mr Lamb had any friends?                                                                                                               

Ans. At first, Derry did not think Mr Lamb had any friends because he lived all alone.                                    

Q. How did Mr. Lamb define friendship?                                                                                                                        

Ans. Mr Lamb believed anyone who visited his garden and talked to him was his friend.                                                                                                                                                

Q. Why did Derry think Mr Lamb could not be his friend?                                                                                             

Ans. Derry thought that they did not know each other properly. Therefore they can not be friends.                                         

Q. What did Mr. Lamb say about friendship?                                                                          

Ans. Mr Lamb believed friendship did not require details about someone's life.                                                                                                                                                 

Q. What did Derry reveal about his name?                                                                                                                   

Ans. Derry informed Mr Lamb that his name was Derek, but he preferred to be called Derry.                                                                                                                                                   

Q. Why did Derry think that they could not remain friends?                                                                                         

Ans. Derry said that he might not visit Mr Lamb again. In this way, their friendship would end.                                                                                                                                                   

Q. What is the main theme of the conversation?                                                                                                         

Ans. The power of simple human connection and acceptance in forming friendships.                                    

Q: Why did Derry say they might not remain friends if he stopped visiting?                                                                       

Ans. Derry mentioned that just talking to people on the street didn't make them friends.

MR LAMB: Doesn’t mean they’re enemies, either, does it?

DERRY: No they’re just….nothing. People. That’s all……………….. 

DERRY: It’d stop them. They’d mind me. When they saw me here. They look at my face and run.

  • Listening to Derry, Mr Lamb said that strangers could not always be enemies. But Derry thought strangers were nothing but just people. Mr Lamb did not agree. 

  • He said that people could never be “nothing”. At this point, Derry expressed that he hated some people. Mr Lamb warned that the feeling of hatred would harm him more than the acid that had burnt his face. Mr Lamb explained that negative feelings could damage him from the inside.                                                                                                                                                            

  • Then Derry mentioned that someone told him that he should have lived in the hospital with people like him. 

  • Mr Lamb explained that if everyone with similar conditions lived together, the earth would be quite an unpleasant place. Derry argued that at least anybody wouldn't stare. Mr. Lamb explained that even if people looked alike, they were different in habits, thoughts, behaviour etc.                                                                                                                                                     

  • Derry liked Mr Lamb's house and garden. Mr  Lamb said that everything he had in his possession, belonged to others also. Derry asked if he could enter the garden even in his absence. 

  • The latter replied that he could find others. This made Derry disappointed. He said that others might run away observing his scarred face. Mr. Lamb said that they might and might not. He would have to take risks, and others would do the same. 

Q. What did Mr. Lamb say could harm more than the acid that affected his face?                                                               

Ans.  Hatred could harm more than the acid.                                                                                                                                 

Q. Why did Mr Lamb disagree with the idea of people with disabilities living together?                                                       

Ans. He believed that it would be quite unpleasant and boring if people with similar disabilities lived together.                         

Q. How did Mr. Lamb explain that people are different from each other?

Ans. He explained that differences come from how people watch, listen, and think differently.                                   

Q. What did Mr. Lamb say about his possessions?                                                                                                     

Ans. Mr. Lamb said that everything in his house and garden belonged to everyone.                                                    

Q. Why was Derry worried about returning to Mr Lamb's place?                                                                                     

Ans. Derry was worried that others might not want him there because of his ugly face.                                             

Q. What did Mr. Lamb warn Derry regarding his feelings of hatred?                                                                                            

Ans. Mr Lamb told that hatred could harm him more than the acid that had burnt his face.                                        

Q. Why did Derry think people wouldn't stare at them if they were all similar?                                                                

Ans. Derry thought that if everyone at the place looked similar due to their disabilities, nobody would stare.                                                                                                                                      

Q. According to Mr Lamb, what makes people different from each other, even if they look alike?                                    

Ans. According to Mr. Lamb people's different habits of seeing, listening, and thinking made them distinct from each other, even if they looked similar.                                                                                                            

Q. What did Mr. Lamb say was worse than the acid that burned Derry's face?                                                         

Ans. Hatred.                                                                                                                                                                           

Q. What did Derry say someone told him after he came back from the hospital?                                                               

Ans. One woman said that he should have stayed there with people like him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Q. What was Derry afraid of when he thought about coming back to Mr Lamb's house?                                           

Ans. That the people might run away when they looked at his face.

MR LAMB: They might. They might not. You’d have to take the risk. So would they………..

DERRY: If I chose….

MR LAMB: Ah….if you chose. I don’t know everything, boy. I can’t tell you what to do.

  • Derry told Mr Lamb that if he visited, Mr Lamb might lose his friends because no one liked him.                                          

  • But Mr Lamb did not agree with Derry. He said that the kids used to tease him in the street. But the same kids visited his garden for toffees and pears. According to Mr Lamb, he wasn't afraid of them and thus they were not scared of him.                                                                                                                                                              

  • Derry asked Mr Lamb if his leg was blown off in the war. In reply, he said “yes”. When Derry asked how he could climb on the ladder and pull down crab apples, Mr Lamb replied that he had learnt to do many things with the passage of time.                                                                                                                                                             

  • Derry told Mr Lamb that he wanted to help him, but he couldn’t because he had to go home to his mother. According to Derry if he did not reach home, there would be fuss. 

  • Then Mr Lamb told Derry to go, inform his mother and come back. Derry started making excuses saying it was a long distance and then that his mother would not allow him. Then Mr Lamb remarked that once Derry went home he himself would not like to come back. 

  • The remark by Mr Lamb made Derry irritated and angry. Derry said that he could do a lot of things. But Mr Lamb replied that only Derry knew what he could do. Mr Lamb said that Derry had to choose and couldn't be told what to do.

Q. What was Derry’s concern?                                                                                                                  

Ans. Derry thought that Mr Lamb would lose all his friends if he began to visit him regularly.                                                                                                                                 

Q. Why, according to Mr Lamb, were kids not scared of him even though they teased him?                                                                       

Ans. The Kids were not scared of Mr. Lamb because he was not scared of them. Moreover, he used to give toffees to them.                                                                                                                                                                        

Q. What did Derry inquire about Mr Lamb's leg?                                                                                                                            

Ans. Derry asked if Mr Lamb's leg got injured in the war.                                                                                                                                                       

Q. How did Mr Lamb respond to Derry's concern about climbing the ladder?                                                                           

Ans. Mr Lamb mentioned that he had learnt to do many things with time. In other words, he could easily pull down the crab apples using a ladder.                                                                                                                                             

Q. What reason did Derry give for not returning home once he left?                                                                                       

Ans. Derry mentioned that once he went home, he wouldn't be allowed to return.                                                                                                                                                            

Q. Why did Mr Lamb suggest Derry go home and inform his mother of his whereabouts?                                             

Ans. Mr. Lamb suggested this because people have a habit of worrying. Moreover, Derry had already told him that there would be so much fuss if he did not reach home.                                                                                              

Q. According to Mr Lamb, why would Derry not feel like returning once he went home?                                              

Ans. Mr Lamb believed that once Derry went home, he himself would not come back. Here Mr Lamb wanted to highlight that Derry was just making excuses.                                                                                                 

Q. What was Mr. Lamb's stance regarding Derry's decision-making?                                                                                  

Ans. Mr. Lamb said that Derry had to choose what to do.                                                     

Q. Did Derry offer to help Mr Lamb pull down the crab apples?

Ans. Yes, Derry offered to help, but he mentioned that his mother would be waiting for him at home.                                                                                                                                                                

Q.  What is the significance of Derry's statement, "Once I got home, they’d never let me come back"? 


Ans. This statement suggests that Derry's family might be extremely protective and might not give permission to visit Mr Lamb again. 

DERRY: They tell me.                                                                                                                                                        

MR LAMB: Do you have to agree?                                                                                                                            

DERRY: I don’t know what I want. I want…………………………                                                                              

DERRY: All right then, tell me some of their names.                                                                                                         

MR LAMB: What are names? Tom, Dick or Harry.

  • Derry tried to say that his parents and well-wishers were putting pressure on him to do things differently. Mr Lamb suggested that Derry had the freedom to choose whether to agree with others or not. 

  • Derry was feeling confused about what he truly desired—something unique to himself, like Mr Lamb’s garden. Mr. Lamb advised Derry to discover his desires by observing, thinking and listening. 

  • Further Derry expressed that nobody ever visited Mr Lamb. He also added that no one was concerned about him. When Derry asked Mr Lamb to tell the names of the visitors, the latter replied, "Tom, Dick, or Harry."

Q. What was Derry confused about?                                                                                                                                            

Ans. Derry was confused about what he wanted for himself.                                                                                    

Q. What did Derry want?                                                                                                                                                   

Ans. Derry wanted something unique like the garden.                                                                                                           

Q. How did Mr. Lamb suggest finding what Derry wanted?                                                                                                  

Ans. By waiting, watching, and listening, either by staying in the garden or going elsewhere.                                                                                                                                                   

Q. Did Derry believe that anyone ever visited Mr Lamb?                                                                                         

Ans. No, Derry didn’t believe anyone ever visited Mr Lamb.                                                 

[Getting up] I’m off down to the bees.                                                                                                                                    

DERRY: I think you’re daft….crazy…………………………………………………………                                                                                                

MR LAMB: [To himself] There my dears. That’s you seen to. Ah….you know. We all know. I’ll come back. They never do, though. Not them. Never do come back. [The garden noises fade.]

  • Mr Lamb wanted to avoid any more questions from Derry. Therefore, he said that he was going to his bees. Listening to this, Derry lost his temper and called Mr Lamb a crazy and daft person. 

  • Mr Lamb said it was a good excuse for Derry not to come back. Once again Derry lost his temper and told Mr Lamb that he behaved. Further, he added that  Mr Lamb thought him ugly or a devil. 

  • Finally, Derry started shouting, but Mr Lamb didn't respond. Later, Derry calmed down and said that he was leaving, but promised to return soon. 

  • After the departure of Derry, the place became quiet. Mr Lamb began to talk to himself. He said that people always said they would come back, but nobody ever came back.

Q. What was Mr Lamb's response when Derry called him daft and crazy?                                                                            

Ans. Mr Lamb said it was a good excuse for Derry for not coming back to the garden.                                                                                                                                                          

Q. Why did Derry think Mr Lamb might be scared or think he was ugly like a devil?                                                       

Ans. Derry thought so because Mr Lamb showed him the mirror.                                                          

Q. What did Derry promise before leaving?                                                                                                                                 

Ans. Derry promised to return soon.                                                                              

Q. Why did Derry accuse Mr Lamb?                                                                                                                                         

Ans. Derry accused Mr Lamb of judging based on appearance and feeling alone.

MOTHER: You think I don’t know about him, you think. I haven’t heard things?

DERRY: You shouldn’t believe all you hear… … … … … … …………………………….

MOTHER: Then you stay here and do your thinking. You’re best off here.

  • After reaching home, Derry expressed his wish to go to Mr Lamb. But his mother refused to permit him. She had heard rumours about Mr Lamb. Therefore, she insisted that Derry shouldn't go back there. 

  • Derry tried to convince his mother not to believe whatever was told about Mr Lamb. He described Mr Lamb as an old and wise person with a tin leg.

  • As Derry was eager to go back to  Mr Lamb, he told his mother that he wanted to go and listen to bees singing and Mr Lamb talking. He also told that Mr Lamb shared significant thoughts that no one else had expressed before. 

  • But his mother replied saying that Mr Lamb was not a worthwhile and trustworthy person. She advised Derry to stay at home as she was concerned about his safety.

Q. What did the mother think about Mr Lamb?

Ans. The mother was suspicious of him. She gave reference to rumours and warnings she had heard about Mr Lamb.

Q. How did Derry describe Mr Lamb?

Ans. Derry described Mr Lamb as an old person with a tin leg, living in a large house without curtains, and having a garden.

Q. Why was Derry interested in going to the person's house?

Ans. Derry was attracted by Mr Lamb's house and garden and wished to listen to the sound of bees and hear thoughts and ideas from him.

Q. What did Derry want to listen to and why?

Ans. Derry wanted to listen to the bees singing and Mr Lamb talking. He believed that Mr Lamb shared significant thoughts that no one else had expressed before.

Q. What did the mother advise Derry regarding his visit to Mr Lamb’s house?                                                                 

Ans. The mother advised Derry to stay at home instead of going to Mr Lamb's house, as she was concerned about his safety.

DERRY: I hate it here.

MOTHER: You can’t help the things you say. I forgive you. It’s bound to make you feel bad things….and say them. I don’t blame you…… … … ..,.

DERRY: Oh no, oh no. Because if I don’t go back there, I’ll never go anywhere in this world again.

[The door slams. Derry runs, panting.]

And I want the world….I want it….I want it….

[The sound of his panting fades.]

  • While discussing with his mother, Derry expressed his dislike for the current location. Listening to him, his mother tried to comfort him and assure him that she understood his feelings. 

  • In response, Derry said that he was not worried about his appearance. Despite his mother's insistence that he should stay, Derry believed he must return to Mr Lamb, as it held significance for his future exploration. 

  • The scene ends with Derry running off, panting, expressing his intense desire to explore the world. Overall, it highlights Derry's determination to seek out new experiences beyond his current environment. 

  • The passage tells about Derry's longing for freedom, exploration, and connection despite his struggles.


Q. Why was Derry upset?                                                                                                                             

Ans. He felt trapped and frustrated by his circumstances.                                                                                                      

Q. What did his mother say to him?                                                                                                                             

Ans. She tried to comfort him and assure him.                                                                  

Q. What is the main theme of the passage?                                                                                               

Ans. It's about Derry's intense desire for freedom, exploration, and connection despite his struggles                                        

Q. How did Derry feel about his current location?                                                                                                        

Ans. Derry expressed his dislike, mentioning he hated being there.                                                                               

Q. How did Derry's mother respond to his feelings?                                                                                                           

Ans. Derry's mother comforted him, saying that she could understand his feelings                                                                                                                                       

Q. What did Derry believe wasn't important to him?                                                                                                                

Ans. Derry emphasised that his appearance wasn't important.                                                                                                                      

Q. Why did Derry insist on going back to Mr Lamb?                                                                                                               

Ans. Derry believed that if he didn't return, he wouldn't ever explore anywhere else in the world.                        

Q. How did the scene conclude?                                                                                                                                              

Ans. Derry rushed away, breathing heavily, expressing his desire to see the world, and the sound of his breathing gradually faded.

Mr Lamb’s garden [Garden sounds: the noise of a branch shifting; apples thumping down; the branch shifting again.]

MR LAMB: Steady…. … … … … … .,..

Mr Lamb, It’s all right….You fell….I’m here, Mr Lamb, It’s all right.


I came back. Lamey-Lamb. I did…..come back.

[Derry begins to weep.]

  • In Mr. Lamb's garden, there were sounds of a shifting branch and falling apples. Mr Lamb was in his garden picking apples. Branches creaked, leaves rustled, and apples thumped as Mr. Lamb reached higher and higher. 

  • Suddenly, there was a loud crash and Mr Lamb lost his balance, and fell with the ladder. 

  • Derry, still catching his breath, entered the garden. He excitedly told that he had come back. But then he saw Mr Lamb on the ground and rushed to him. When Derry called Mr Lamb, he did not get the answer. Finally, Derry got emotional and began to cry.

Q. What sounds could be heard in Mr Lamb's garden? 


Ans. There were sounds like a branch moving and apples falling.                                                                                        

Q. What did Mr Lamb say when he was trying to get the apples?                                                                         

Ans. Mr. Lamb said things like, "Steady… That's… got it. That's it… And again."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Q. How did Mr Lamb fall?                                                                                                                                                          

Ans. While Mr Lamb was trying to pull down the crab apples, he lost his balance and fell.                                                                                                                                              

Q. Who came into the garden while there was silence?                                                                                                     

Ans. Derry came into the garden, breathing heavily.                                                                                                                     

Q. How did Derry feel at the end of the scene?                                                                                                                      

Ans. Derry began to weep when he saw Mr Lamb hurt/dead.

Also Read:

Class 12 English CBSE

Flamingo Prose

Lost Spring                                        
Deep Water                                                                          
The Rattrap                         
Poets And Pancakes                          
The Interview                                                                              

Flamingo Poetry

My Mother At Sixty Six .

Keeping Quiet 


Writing Portion


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