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The Enemy by Pearl S Buck for class 12 English(Vistas) CBSE (Summary, literary devices, vocabulary and extract based question-answer)


By Pearl S Buck



Pearl S Buck's story "The Enemy" highlights how humanity sometimes overpowers enmity. The story is about a Japanese doctor who not only saves the life of a prisoner of war, but also gives shelter for a few days, and finally provides a safe passage.

There are four main characters, Dr Sadao, his wife, Hana, the American prisoner of war, Tom, and the general. Some other characters are the servants - the gardener, the cook, and Yumi. 

The story is set in the World War. An American soldier is captured by the Japanese army but somehow he manages to escape. But he is shot and wounded and reaches Dr Sadao's house. 

Dr Sadao first operates on him to save his life, keeps him for a few days, and finally helps him to escape.


(June 26, 1892 – March 6, 1973) 

Pearl S. Buck was an American author. She wrote a lot about the richness of Chinese culture. Her experiences in China deeply influenced her writing, leading to works like "The Good Earth," which won her the Pulitzer Prize in 1932. Buck's writing skillfully portrayed the struggles of ordinary people against the backdrop of historical and cultural change. She was also an advocate for social justice and women's rights. Through her storytelling, Buck tried to bridge the cultural divides.



  • Outlined – draw

  • Yonder – at some distance in the direction indicated/over there.

  • Render – give

  • Creeping – moving forward on the hands

  • Kimono – originally worn as a formal garment in Japan

  • Spiked – with sharp points

  • Tended – cared

  • Screened – protected

  • Stanch – stop

  • Strewed –  scattered/spread

  • Stupor – state of being unconscious

  • Repulsion – a feeling of hate

  • Inert – inactive

  • Battered – in bad shape

  • Matted – tangled into a thick mass

  • Pallor – paleness

  • Vitality – energy

  • Menace – danger

  • Nursery –special house for young children

  • Rugs – a floor covering of thick woven material or animal skin

  • Blond – pale yellow/handsome/ lovely

  • Saturate – wet

  • Liberation – freedom

  • Probed – examined 

  • Anatomy – the branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans

  • Cardinal sin - serious sin

  • Incisions – a surgical cut made in skin or flesh

  • Guts – the stomach or belly

  • Hypodermic – relating to the area immediately beneath the skin.

  • Dragged on – moved on 

  • Courtesy – the showing of politeness in one’s attitude 

  • Marred - spoilt/destroyed

  • Condemned – sentenced to a particular punishment

  • Traitor – disloyal

  • Dripping – falling of water

  • Eaves – hanging part of the roof

  • Fortifying –  strengthening 

  • Submerged– go underwater

  • Stout – strongly built

  • Pawnshop – a shop where unredeemed items are sold to the public

  • Faintly – indistinctly

  • Dereliction – neglect

  • Insistent – firm

  • Slatternly – dirty and untidy

  • Repulsive – hateful

  • Haggard – weak especially from fatigue, worry


Dr Sadao Haki’s house was built on …………… It depends upon what we make it.

  • Dr Sadao’s house was situated on the Japanese coast. It was a square stone house set upon rocks. There was a narrow beach in front of his house. Dr Sadao used to remember his childhood days when he accompanied his father to the islands of the South Seas. 

  • His father often told him about the islands and that they were the stepping stones for Japan. When he asked his father where they would go from there, the reply was- nobody could limit the future. Wherever we want to take, it will go. Dr Sadao always remembered these words spoken by his father.  

Q. Where was Dr Sadao’s house situated?

Ans. His house was situated on the Japanese coast.

Q. Describe Sadao’s house.

Ans. Dr Sadao’s house was a low square stone house set up on rocks and surrounded by pines.

Q. What did Sadao remember about his childhood days?

Ans. Dr Sadao used to remember how he tried to climb on the pine trees aping those climbing on the coconut trees in the South Seas.

Q. What did Sadao’s father say about the islands of the South Seas?

Ans. He used to say those islands were the stepping stones for Japan.

Q. What was Dr Sadao’s question when his father said that the islands of the South Seas were the stepping stones for Japan?

Ans. He used to ask his father where they would go from those Islands.

Q. What was the reply of his father when Sadao asked where they would go from those Islands?

Ans. Dr Sadao’s father told nobody could limit the future. Wherever people wanted to take, it would go.

Q. What did Dr Sadao never forget about his father?

Ans. Dr Sadao never forgot the words of his father that nobody could limit the future. It would go wherever people wanted to take it. In other words, the career and future of a person depend on himself or herself.

Sadao has taken this into his mind………………. Sadao being kept in Japan.

  • Dr Sadao’s father never played with him nor he joked. His only concern was Sadao’s education, career, and future. Therefore, he sent Sadao to America to learn all about surgery and medicine at the age of twenty-two. He stayed in America for almost eight years. Sadao did not disappoint his father either. During his life, his father saw him rising. Very soon he became famous both as a surgeon and a scientist. 

  • Dr Sadao was about to complete the discovery which would render the wounds entirely clean. On the other hand, the General was suffering from heart disease. There was a strong possibility that he would require surgery at any moment, and thus he was not sent abroad with the troops.

Q. What was the main concern of Dr Sadao’s father?

Ans. His father's main concern had been Dr Sadao’s education, his bright future, and his career.

Q. At what age was Dr Sadao sent abroad for higher studies?

Ans. He was sent abroad at the age of 22

Q. At what age did Sadao return from abroad?

Ans. At the age of 30.

Q. What was the discovery being made by Dr Sadao?

Ans. He was making the discovery that would render the wounds entirely clean.

Q. Why was Dr Sadao not sent abroad with the troops?

Ans. Dr Sadao was a famous surgeon of Japan and the army general trusted him most. As he was being treated and also there was a possibility that he would be operated on, Dr Sadao was not sent abroad with the troops. It might be also because Dr Sadao was going to complete his discovery which would render the wounds entirely clean.

Q. Did Dr Sadao come up to the expectations of his father?

Ans. Yes, Dr Sadao came up to the expectations of his father. Very soon Dr Sadao got a name and fame and his father saw him rising in life.

Clouds were rising from the ocean now……………. If it were at all possible.

  • Dr Sadao was outside his house. The mist was about to cover the house and he thought very soon he would go inside his house and have a good time with his wife and children.

  • Dr Sadao was outside and thinking about his wife and children. In the meantime, his wife arrived. She was wearing a woollen haori over her kimono. She came and put her arms on him affectionately and he felt so happy.

  • Dr Sadao remembered how he met Hana in America. Dr Sadao was once invited by Professor Harley. Professor Harley and his wife were kind people and they used to invite foreign students. Dr Sadao was also invited. In fact, he did not have any intention to go because of the small rooms, poor quality of food, and over-talkative nature of his wife. But still, he went and saw Hana. So he thought that it was his luck.

  • When Dr Sadao saw Hana, he liked her but did not fall in love with her because of his father. He knew that his father would never accept anyone except someone pure in her race.

Q. What is haori?

Ans. It is an outer garment worn over a kimono in Japan.

Q. What is a kimono?

Ans. It is a Japanese dress with wide sleeves.

Q. What idea do you form about Professor Harley and his wife?

Ans. Professor Harley and his wife were kind-hearted people and therefore, they used to invite foreign students.

Q. Why did Dr Sadao think it was his luck to meet Hana?

Ans. When he got an invitation from Professor Harley, Dr Sadao did not want to go because of the poor quality of food, the small rooms, and the over-talkative nature of his wife. But still, he went and met Hana. That's why he thought that it was his luck.

Q. What did Dr Sadao think about his wife Hana?

Ans. Dr Sadao loved his wife from the bottom of his heart. He could not think about his existence without Hana.

Q. Why did Dr Sadao not fall in love with Hana immediately even if he liked her?

Ans. It was all because of his father. He knew his father would not accept anyone who was not pure in race.

Q. How did Dr Sadao regard his father?

Ans. He loved and respected his father and he did not want to do anything against his wish.

Now he felt her hand on his arm and …………….. Her cheek against his arm.

  • According to Dr Sadao, although both of them liked and loved each other still they did not marry carelessly in America. He returned to Japan and with the consent of his father, he married Hana according to the old custom and tradition of Japan because it was his father's wish.

Q. Why did Sadao and Hana not marry in America although they loved each other?

Ans. Dr Sadao did not marry Hana in America because of his father. He did not want to do anything without his permission.

Q. How did Sadao and Hana get married?

Ans. Dr Sadao and Hana were married following old Japanese customs and traditions because it was his father's wish.

It was at this moment that both of them saw……………. fall on his face and lie there.

  • It was evening, and Dr Sadao and Hana were standing outside. Suddenly they noticed something black coming out of the mist. When they saw, they realised that he was a man. The man who had been thrown out of the sea was standing on his feet and walking unsteadily. Suddenly the mist covered him and again when they noticed they found that the man was crawling and finally he fell unconscious.

Q. Who was thrown out by the sea?

Ans A man ( a white man/ American prisoner of war)

Q. How was the man flung out of the ocean walking?

Ans. He was walking unsteadily or staggering on his feet.

Q. Describe the movements of the man who had been thrown out of the sea.

Ans. First of all the man staggered on his feet, then fell, began to crawl, and finally fell unconscious.

A fisherman perhaps…….. red soaking through. 

  • Dr Sadao first guessed that the man who had been thrown out of the ocean might be a fisherman because there were so many villages of fishermen in the nearby locality. Both Hana and Sadao, just out of kindness and sympathy, rushed towards the man. Obviously, they wanted to help him. When they reached close to him and looked at him they realised that he was badly injured. 

Q . What did Dr Sadao guess about the man who had been thrown out of the sea?

Ans. Dr Sadao thought that the man might be washed from his boat and that he was a fisherman because there were a lot of villages of fishermen in that very locality.

Q. How was the beach?

Ans. The beach was spiked with rocks. There was also surf on the beach.

Q. How was the condition of the person lying on the beach?

Ans. The man was badly injured and bleeding profusely. He was unconscious. He was wearing old dirty clothes.

“He is wounded,” Sadao exclaimed……… they did for him.

  • As soon as Dr Sadao turned the man and saw his face both he and his wife realised that he was a white man. He was wearing a wet cap. The man had yellow hair. It appeared that his hair had not been cut for a long time. The man had a yellow beard and he was lying unconscious.

Q. Give a description of the physical appearance of the injured person or white man when he was found on the shore.

Ans. The man was in rags with long yellow hair and a rough yellow beard. It appeared that he had not got his hair cut or shaved for a long time.

Q. How did Sadao and Hana come to know that the injured person was a white man?

Ans. Observing his physical appearance both Sadao and Hana realised that he was a white man. His yellow beard, yellow hair, and blonde skin indicated that he was a white man. He had a cap upon which the US Navy was written. This made Sadao and Hana realise that he was an American.

Now Sadao remembered the wound ………..  It was a bad chance that the rock had struck the wound.

  • Dr Sadao was a medical practitioner as well as a surgeon. At the same time, he was a good human being. That's why when he found the man bleeding he started examining the reason behind the flow of blood. After the examination, he realised that the man had been shot a few days ago and later the rocks reopened the wound.

  • Hana expressed her grief when she noticed that the white man was bleeding so badly. There was no one there on the beach that very moment as all the fishermen had gone and even the beachcombers were not there. In the meanwhile, Dr Sadao began to examine the wound. 

  • In fact, Dr Sadao could not bear the sight of the bleeding man and therefore, took some sea moss and filled the gaping wound. As a result, the bleeding stopped.

Q. What did Dr Sadao realise after examining the wound of the white man?

Ans. After examining the white man Dr Sadao concluded that he had been shot a few days ago and not tended to.  Unfortunately, the rocks reopened the wound and therefore he was bleeding so badly.

Q. How did Dr Sadao stop the bleeding of the white man and why?

Ans. Dr Sadao was not only a medical practitioner but also a good human being. He had been taught not to let anybody die before his eyes. Therefore, he could not bear the sight of the bleeding of the white man even though he was the enemy of Japan. He took some sea moss and filled the gaping wound to stop the bleeding.

The best thing that we could do would be to put him back in the sea………. But since he is wounded.

  • Thereafter both Hana and Sadao started discussing what they should do with the white man. If they sheltered him, they would be arrested and even hanged to death for giving shelter to an enemy during wartime. On the other hand, if they handed him to the police the man would die.

  • Dr Sadao decided that the best thing they should do was to put him back into the sea. But neither of them could do so.

  • In the meanwhile, Sadao and Hana got to know the identity of the white man. He had a battered cap upon which the US Navy was written. Now it was clear that the man was an American.

Q. What was the confusion about the White man?

Ans. Both Sadao and Hana could not decide easily what to do with the white man. They thought if they sheltered him, they would be arrested and sentenced and if they handed him over to the police, the man would die.

Q. What did Sadao and Hana decide about the white man first?

Ans. Both Sadao and Hana thought that the best thing would be to put him back into the sea.

Q. Did Sadao and Hana put the white man back into the sea why/ why not?

Ans. Both Sadao and Hana decided to put the man back into the sea but they could not.

You also can not throw him back to the sea……… I would not think of doing anything else.

  • Finally, Hana said that if they could not put the man back into the sea,  they should carry him to their house. Sadao raised an objection saying what about the servants. Hana replied they would tell them that they had brought the man to hand him over to the police. 

  • At the same time, Hana reminded Sadao that he would not do anything else to save the life of the white man. She also added that Sadao must think about his reputation as well as the children. 

Q. What did Sadao and Hana finally decide about the white man?

Ans. Both Sadao and Hana finally decided to take the white man to their house and wait till he did not get his consciousness back. As soon as he regained consciousness they would hand him over to the police.

Q. What was the objection raised by Sadao when Hana advised him to carry the white man home?

Ans. Dr Sadao reminded Hana about the servants. Sada asked what they would say to the servants. Listening to this, Hana replied that they would simply tell them that they had brought him to hand him over to the police.

Thus agreed, together they lifted the man. He was very light, like a fowl …………………… She can leave the children for a few minutes and she can wash him.” 

  • Finally, Hana and Sadao agreed to take the man to their house. While they were carrying they realised that man was very light; he was like a fowl and it appeared that he had been half starved. 

  • Both Hana and Sadao took him to the room which had not been used for a long time as it was his father's room and he was no more. Everything in the room displayed Japanese tradition, Japanese culture, and the Japanese way of living. His father followed old Japanese customs and traditions.

  • Dr Sadao's father never slept on foreign beds nor sat on a chair. He used to sit and sleep on the mat on the floor. While taking out the quilt from the cupboard, Hana hesitated because the man was so dirty and the quilt was so beautiful, having flowers and pure white silk. When Hana remarked that the man was looking so dirty, Dr Sadao asked Hana to bring water to wash the injured man. But Hana did not allow him. She told that Yumi would do the washing. 

Q. How did the white man appear?

Ans. He was looking like a fowl.

Q. Why was the white man so light in weight?

Ans. He must have been half-starved.

Q. Where did Hana and Sadao put the white man?

Ans. They kept the white man on the floor of the room which was once used by Sadao's father.

Q. What was special about the room?

Ans. In the room, everything gave a Japanese look because his father used to follow old Japanese traditions and culture.

Q. What does this paragraph suggest about Sadao's father?

Ans. It shows that his father loved old Japanese culture and tradition. Therefore, he never sat on a chair or slept on a foreign bed.

Q. Why did Hana hesitate to take out the quilt from the cupboard?

Ans. The quilt was so beautiful as it was covered with flowers and the lining was also pure white silk. On the other hand, the white man was so dirty.

Q. Which two literary devices have been used in this paragraph?

Ans. Simile and irony.

Sadao considered a moment. Let it be so………. What if he should die?

  • Dr Sadao was about to move out of the room when he noticed that there was a kind of paleness on the man's face. So, he felt his pulse. It was very weak. Then he felt his heartbeat which was also irregular. Sadao remarked that if something was not done immediately, the man would die. Further, he added that he should be operated on. Listening to it, Hana was horrified. She asked what if he survived. In reply, Dr Sadao remarked if he died during the operation.

Q. Why did Dr Sadao feel the pulse and the heartbeat of the white man?

Ans. He noticed paleness on the white man's unconscious face.

Q. What conclusion did Dr Sadao draw after feeling the pulse and heartbeat?

Ans. He realised that there was a need to operate on him.

Q. What did Dr Sadao say when Hana asked if the man survived after the operation?

Ans. Dr Sadao said that the man might die during the operation. 

Q. What did Dr Sadao say about the survival of the white man?

Ans. According to Dr Sadao, the man was having extraordinary vitality and energy, and that's why he was alive despite profuse bleeding.

Hana considered this doubtfully……….. hair he was her enemy menace living or dead.

  • Hana was doubtful of what Dr Sadao said about the white man i.e. that he might die during the operation. It was because Dr Sadao was one of the most skilled surgeons of Japan.

  • When Dr Sadao left, Hana realised that she was alone in the room with the white man and the realisation made her frightened. She thought whether alive or dead the man was a danger. Therefore, she also went out of the room without any further delay.

Q. Did Hana believe when Dr Sadao said the white man might die during the operation? Why/ why not?

Ans. Hana did not believe that the white man would die during the operation because she knew very well how skilled Dr Sadao was. Therefore, there was a rare possibility that he would die during the operation.

Q. What was the first thing that Dr Sadao wanted to do with the white man?

Ans. He wanted to wash the white man immediately.

Q. How did Hana feel when Dr Sadao went out leaving her with the white man in the room?

Ans. Hana felt frightened. She thought alive or dead the white man was his enemy and a danger.

  • Hana went to the nursery and called Yumi. When she went to the nursery, the children heard her and she had to go and play with them. Yumi said that the baby was ready to sleep.

Q. Who refers to “she”?

Ans. “She” refers to Hana.

Q. He is ready. Who is "he" and what does the expression mean.?

Ans. “He” refers to the baby who was nearly three months old. It means the baby was about to sleep.

Q. What happened when Hana went to the nursery?

Ans. When Hana went to the nursery, the kids heard a voice. Therefore, she had to go to them, smile and play with them.

She turned to the nursery and called “Yumi!”.....……… and what the sea did, they will take revenge on us.”

  • While Hana was returning with Yumi, she found the gardener frightened after knowing that Dr Sadao and Hana had brought a white man into the house.

  • The gardener was in so much tension that he started pulling hair from the upper lip. Thereafter he reacted in a very superstitious manner. The gardener said that the gun wanted to kill the man and the sea with its rocks wounded the man. On the other hand, Dr Sadao was saving. Therefore, all these i.e. the sea, the rocks and the gun would come to take revenge. The gardener did not want the white man to be cared for by their master in any way.

Q. Who was frightened and why?

Ans. The gardener was frightened after knowing that Dr Sadao and Hana had brought a white man into the house.

Q. Why was the gardener pulling the hair from the upper lip?

Ans. The gardener was utterly shocked after knowing that Dr Sadao and Hana had brought a white man to their house. Therefore, he started pulling the hair from his upper lip. 

Q. How did the gardener react when Dr Sadao informed him about the presence of the white man in the house?

Ans. The gardener was so frightened and tensed after knowing the presence of the white man in the house. He started reacting in a very superstitious manner. The gardener expressed that the gun and the sea with its rocks wanted to kill the white man and Dr Sadao was trying to heal his wounds. Therefore, all these might come to take revenge.

 Nevertheless, she told Yumi to fetch the hot water………… “Then please,” Hana said gently,“ return to your own work.”

  • Hana asked Yumi to bring a bucket of hot water to that very room where the white man was lying unconscious. When Hana asked Yumi to wash the white man, Yumi refused saying she had never watched a white man, and she would not wash such a dirty fellow. 

  • Listening to this, Hana got so enraged and shouted at Yumi, and said whatever the master wanted she must do. In reaction, Yumi started gazing at her so fiercely that Hana got frightened. 

  • Therefore, Hana softened herself and told her that they had brought the white man to hand him over to the police and that they were awaiting his consciousness to be regained. Still, Yumi did not agree and she told that she was a poor person and thus she did not want to be involved in such types of things. Finally, Hana had to surrender and asked her to go to the nursery.

Q. How did Yumi react when Hana asked her to wash the white man?

Ans. Yumi, who used to look after the kids, bluntly refused to wash the white man saying she had never washed any white man and she would not wash such a dirty fellow.

Q. How was Hana's reaction when Yumi refused to wash the white man?

Ans. Hana became furious and shouted at Yumi saying whatever the master wanted she would have to do.

Q. Why did Hana lower her voice and softly ask Yumi to wash the white man?

Ans. When Hana noticed there was a fierce look of resistance on the face of Yumi, she got frightened. Therefore, she lowered her voice and started making her understand that they did not have any intention to save his life, but they wanted to hand him over to the police and that they were just waiting for his consciousness to be regained.

 At once Yumi left the room…………… and must have been very blond when he was a child.

  • Yumi went away from there, and then Hana herself took the responsibility of washing the white man. While she was washing the white man, she was murmuring and saying who the person was, just a helpless wounded man. The expression is somewhat ironic. Earlier the same Hana ran away from the room only because she was left alone with the white man and thought alive or dead he was a danger. Now she was washing him. She began to murmur and then said who the man was, just an unconscious and helpless person.

  • Thereafter, she untied the knotted rugs, took the towel, dipped it in the hot water and started washing. First of all, she washed his face, and then the rest of his body. At the same time, she examined the white man and thought he was having fine texture but it had become rough due to the exposure.

Q. What did Hana do after the departure of Yumi?

Ans. Hana took the responsibility to wash the white man.

Q. Why was Hana muttering fiercely?

Ans. She was angry because Yumi had refused to wash the white man.

Q. What was Hana thinking while looking at the white man?

Ans.  She thought that the white man must have been very blond earlier and the skin had become a bit dark because of the exposure.

While she was thinking these thoughts,............... “Sadao!” she called softly.

She continued to clean and thereafter her anger began to decrease. At this moment suddenly she realised that she was alone with the white man. Therefore, once again she was a bit afraid. Quickly she covered him with the quilt and wiped her hands with the wrong towel. It was all because of her state of mind. Thereafter she called Sadao.

Q. “While she was thinking these thoughts,.....” Which thoughts have been referred to here?

Ans. Thoughts about the prisoner of war that he was very young and he must have been blond.

Q. What happened when Hana's anger began to decrease?

Ans. When her anger started ebbing, she came to her conscious state of mind and realised that she was alone with the white man.

Q. What did Hana do unintentionally?

Ans. She wiped her hands with the wrong towel.

 He had been about to come when she called……… he began to wash the man's back carefully.

  • As soon as Hana called Sadao, she found him coming. He was in his surgeon's dress and had the surgeon's bag in his hand. Hana asked him if he had decided to operate. Very seriously he replied positively and then he started putting the instruments in the alcove. After that, Dr Sadao asked Hana to bring the towel.

  • Dr Sadao was about to begin the procedure of operation. Hana knew that there would be bleeding and, therefore, the mat would be spoiled. To save the mat, she went to the back of the house and brought some old pieces of matting. But when she returned she found that it had already been ruined. 

Q. Why was Hana surprised when Sadao arrived?

Ans. She found Sadao in a surgeon's dress and having his surgeon's bag. Now it was quite clear to her that he had decided to operate.

Q. Why did Hana go outside?

Ans. Hana thought at once that if the operation began, the floor would be spoiled, and therefore she went outside to bring some old pieces of matting.

Q. What did Hana find when she returned with a handful of matting?

Ans. Dr Sadao had begun the procedure of the operation and took out the packing. As a result, bleeding started and the floor was ruined.

Q. What does packing refer to here?

Ans. Here packing refers to the sea moss with which Dr Sadao had filled the gaping wound of the white man.

“ Yumi would not wash him”………. It was for the work he did so excellently.

  • Hana informed Dr Sadao that Yumi had refused to wash the white man. Dr. Sadao asked Hana if she had washed him. Further, Hana started thinking if he was bothered about whose body he was going to operate. Sadao was not listening to her. Hana was used to his absorption. Whenever Dr Sadao began surgery, he used to be lost in his thoughts.

Q. How was the reaction of Dr Sadao when Hana informed that Yumi had refused to wash the white man?

Ans. Sadao did not pay any attention to what Hana had informed him.

Q. What was the habit of Dr Sadao that Hana was used to?

Ans. During the operation, he was completely absorbed in his work.

Q. What did Hana wonder for a moment?

Ans. Hana wondered if Dr Sadao paid even little attention to whose body he was going to operate on.

“You will have to give the anaesthetic”……….. He has lost a lot of blood.”

  • Dr Sadao required someone to help him during the operation. Therefore, he asked Hana to give the white man anaesthesia. Dr Sadao became impatient when Hana said that she had no experience.

  • Dr Sadao was taking out the packing then and more blood started flowing. He examined the wound and realised that the bleeding was not ordinary. The man had lost a lot of blood and that was a matter of concern for him.

Q. What did Dr Sadao ask Hana to do?

Ans. Dr Sadao asked Hana to give anaesthesia.

Q. How did Hana react when Dr Sadao asked her to give anaesthesia?

Ans. Hana started looking at Dr Sadao blankly and told that she had never given anaesthesia to anybody. This made Dr Sadao impatient.

Q. Why was Dr Sadao disturbed after examining the wound?

Ans. Dr Sadao was disturbed to notice that the man had been bleeding badly and had lost a lot of blood.

At this moment Hana choked……….. In fact, I do not know Why I am doing it.

  • While Dr Sadao was examining the wound, his wife Hana choked. Dr Sadao got impatient and said sharply “Don't faint.” The expression of Dr Sadao shows his helplessness. He had already started the procedure of operation, and therefore, he could not leave the man and go to help his wife. That was the reason that he became impatient and he said sharply to his wife not to faint.

  • Hana put her hands on her mouth and ran out. Dr Sadao heard her retching outside. He thought it was better if she emptied her stomach.

  • Dr Sadao's helplessness made him irritated as well as angry with the white man. He started thinking there was no reason that the man should survive. He was murmuring and saying why he was going to save the life of the white man. When the man started moaning (crying with the pain) he said groan, groan.

Q. What happened to Hana?

Ans. Hana felt choked, and the colour of her face was like that of sulphur. It was because of bleeding which she had never seen earlier.

Q. Why did Dr Sadao say sharply,“ Don't faint.”?

Ans. The expression shows Dr Sadao's frustration and anger. Dr Sadao had started the procedure of operation, and thus he could not leave in the middle to help his wife. He thought if he left the man would die. This helplessness made him behave like that.

Q. What did Hana do when she felt choked?

Ans. Very quickly she put her hands on her face and went out. She began retching outside.

Q. What did Dr Sadao think when he heard Hana retching outside?

Ans. Dr Sadao thought that it was better if she emptied her stomach. In other words,

If she vomited, it would be better for her.

Q. How did Dr Sadao start behaving with the white man when he felt helpless?

Ans. He became somewhat ruthless. He began to murmur and asked himself why he was saving the life of the white man. When the man groaned, Dr Sadao said, “groan, groan”. This shows frustration and anger.

The door opened and there was Hana again……………… move it away a little.

  • While Dr Sadao was getting irritated, Hana came back and asked where the anaesthesia was, and how to give it to the white man. When Dr Sadao saw Hana he felt relaxed and remarked it was good that she had come back.

  • Dr. Sadao explained the procedure to give anaesthesia saying that first of all she would take a piece of cotton and soak it in the liquid and put it on the man's nostrils. If the man began to breathe too much then she should remove it.

Q. How did Dr Sadao feel when Hana came back?

Ans. Dr Sadao felt relaxed. He remarked it was good that she had returned and also informed her that the man had started stirring.

Q. What was the procedure for giving anaesthesia that Dr Sadao instructed Hana?

Ans. Dr Sadao asked Hana to saturate the cotton and put it near the nostrils of the white man. If the man became breathless she should remove it.

She crouched close to the sleeping face……………….. Those scars , she murmured, lifting her eyes to Sadao

  • Hana sat down and started giving anaesthesia to the white man. While sitting she remembered the people talking about the torture given to the prisoners of war. But the same was contradicted.

  • In the newspapers, a very good image of the Japanese army was presented. It used to be mentioned in the newspapers wherever the Japanese army went they were welcomed because they brought liberation.

  • Hana also remembered General Takima who was so cruel that he used to beat his wife. But people had completely forgotten General Takima's cruelty because he fought a decisive battle in Manchuria. Hana wished the white man would not have been tortured. Suddenly she noticed that there was a red scar on his neck. She wanted to bring it to the notice of Sadao. But the latter was not listening because of his habit of being completely lost in his work.

Q. What did Hana remember about the prisoners of war?

Ans. Hana remembered the rumour that the prisoners of war were being tortured, but it always contradicted it.

Q. What did the newspapers say about the Japanese army? 

Ans. The newspapers used to present a very good image of the Japanese army. It was mentioned that wherever the Japanese army went, they got a warm welcome as they brought liberty.

Q. What did Hana remember about  General Takima?

Ans. She recalled the General who was so cruel that he used to beat his wife mercilessly. But people forgot about his cruelty after he had fought a decisive battle in Manchuria.

Q. What did Hana notice about the white man?

Ans. Hana noticed that there was a red scar on his neck. She wanted to draw the attention of Dr Sadao towards the scar but she found him absorbed in the work.

But he did not answer. At this moment……… forgetting that this was his enemy.

  • Dr. Sadao was examining the wound of the white man and suddenly his instrument touched something very hard. Then he realised that it wasn't near the kidney. At this point, he forgot everything. He was pleased because he was able to find out where the bullet was.

  • Dr Sadao was well known to each part of the human body. Therefore he knew what he had to do.

  • At this point, Dr Sadao remembered his American professor of anatomy who used to say that for a doctor or a surgeon, it was a cardinal sin not to have complete knowledge of each part of the human body. He also used to say if any surgeon operated on without having complete knowledge of the parts of the human body, it would be no less than murder.

  • While operating, Dr Sadao realised that the bullet was not at the kidney.

  • Dr Sadao had three main habits while he was performing surgery. First of all, he was absorbed in his work. Moreover, he used to murmur and call his patient “my friend”.

Q. He felt only the purest pleasure. What was this purest pleasure?

Ans. When Dr Sadao realised where the bullet was, he was so happy and this has been termed as purest pleasure.

Q. What did Dr Sadao remember about his American professor of anatomy?

Ans. Dr Sadao never forgot the words of his American professor of anatomy who always said it is a cardinal sin for a surgeon not to have complete knowledge of the parts of the human body. He also told his students that if any surgeon performed surgery without having complete knowledge, it would be equal to murder.

Q. What was Sadao's habit while he was operating?

Ans. He used to be absorbed and also murmured. Furthermore, he used to address his patient by saying ‘my friend’.

Q. What is the irony that you find here?

Ans. Dr Sadao addressed the white man saying ‘my friend’ even though he was the enemy of his country.

Then quickly, with the cleanest cut…………….  This man will live in spite of all.

  • After Dr Sadao realised where the bullet was, he made a precise cut and the bullet was out. The man began to shiver. He was saying something in his unconscious state.

  • Dr Sadao then felt the pulse of the man. It was very weak. Immediately he injected the man. As a result, the white man’s condition began to improve. 

Q. How did the white man react when the bullet was out?

Ans. The man started quivering and he was saying something in his unconscious state.

Q. What did Dr Sadao do when he found the pulse of the white man so weak?

Ans. Dr Sadao injected him. Consequently, it gradually became stronger.

Q. What did he remark after he found that the pulse of the white man was getting stronger?

Ans. Dr Sadao remarked that the man would survive despite all odds.

The young man woke so weak………….. He did not answer.

  • When the white man regained his consciousness he found himself in a strange atmosphere. So, he was frightened for some time. Hana did not like him because he was her country’s enemy. Still, she tried to comfort him saying he should not be afraid and that he was safe. The white man was a bit surprised to hear someone speaking English. So, he asked how she knew English and she replied that she had lived in America for a certain time.

  • The servants had refused to serve the white man and they did not enter his room. It was Hana who used to feed the white man every day. She did not have the least liking for him but still, she served him.

Q. How did the white man react when he regained his consciousness?

Ans. The white man was quite frightened to find himself in a strange atmosphere.

Q. Who used to feed the wild man?

Ans. Hana used to feed the white man as all the servants had refused to even enter his room.

When Sadao came in the third day after the operation………… “Okay,” he whispered, his mouth a bitter line  

  • Dr Sadao not only operated on the white man but also examined him regularly. He found him sitting when he went to the white man's room on the third day. Dr Sadao got furious and asked him to lie down. He went on to say that if he tried to do something like that, he would die.

  • The white man asked Dr Sadao what he would do with him. In reply, Dr Sardao said that he himself did not know what he was going to do with him. Further, he said that he might hand him over to the police. There was a flicker of terror in the white man's eyes, but Dr Sadao did not soften himself. He instructed the white man not to say anything, even his name, till he was not asked.

  • All these show the state of mind of Dr Sadao. He got irritated. It was because he was forced to save the life of an enemy. He might also be irritated because his life was in danger, his reputation was in danger, and his family was in danger. 

Q. Why was Dr Sadao angry with the white man?

Ans. Dr Sadao was angry with the white man because he was trying to get up. Such an action might be dangerous to his life as he had gone through the surgery.

Q. Why was the white man frightened?

Ans. The harsh behaviour of Dr Sadao frightened the white man.

Q. What did Dr Sadao reply when the white man said to him, “Are you going to hand me over”?

Ans. Dr Sadao replied that he himself did not know. Further, he added that he ought to give him to the police as he was a prisoner of war.

Outside the door, Hana was waiting for Sadao………… if their father is condemned as a traitor.?

  • When Dr Sadao came out of the white man's room, he found that his wife Hana was waiting for him. She informed him that the servants had threatened to leave the job if the white man stayed in the house. She also said that the servants thought as they had lived in America, they had sympathy for the white man. In reply, Dr Sadao said that it was not true. At the same time, he said that he had been trained not to let a man die before his eyes. Hana said that the servants could not understand all these.

  • Still, the household work continued. But the servants used to look at the couple with cold eyes. Thus, the servants disapproved of the decision of Hana and Sadao to keep the white man in the house.

  • The gardener had been working in Sadao's house since his father's time. He had made one of the finest moss gardens for his father. He was so careful about the garden that he did not leave even a needle on the surface of the velvety ground. He expressed that Dr Sadao should have left the man to die. 

  • On the other hand, the cook expressed that their master considered himself so skilled that he was ready to save anybody's life. 

  • Yumi, who used to look after the kids, was very much concerned about them. She was worried about the fate of the children if their parents were condemned as traitors. 

Q. What did Hana inform about the servants?

Ans. Hana told Dr Sadao that the servants had threatened to leave the job if they continued to give shelter to the white man.

Q. What did the servants think was the reason behind giving the shelter to the white man by Sadao and Hana?

Ans. The servants thought that Dr Sadao and Hana had lived in America for a long time and therefore, they had sympathy for the white man. They also added that the couple had forgotten to think about their own country.

Q. What did the gardener say about Dr Sadao's decision to give shelter to the white man?

Ans. The gardener who had been working in the house since his father's time reflected that while the man was dying Sadao should have left him to die. 

Q. How was the reaction of the cook regarding the decision of Sadao and Hana to keep the white man in the house?

Ans. The cook told that Dr Sadao considered himself so skilled that he was ready to save anybody's life.

Q. What did Gardner say about blood?

And. The gardener used to say that blood is the best fertiliser for any plant. Therefore, he did not let even a drop of blood waste. He had specially instructed the cook to let the blood go to the wistaria vine.

Q. How did Yumi react to the whole situation?

Ans. Yumi, who was looking after the kids of Sadao and Hana, was very much concerned about the children. She wondered what would happen if Sadao was condemned as a traitor and punished.

They did not try to hide what they said from the ears of…………………. Indeed he was a great trouble in this house.

  • Whatever the servants said, they did it purposely. They wanted Hana to hear. Hana knew whatever they were saying was right. But there was another side also. She did not know why she was going to do everything for the prisoner of war even though she did not like him at all. Like others, she also thought him a prisoner of war and an enemy. 

  • Earlier when Hana had gone to the white man's room, very excitedly he introduced himself saying that his name was Tom. But Hana did not show any excitement or emotion. She just had a distant bow. She realised that the man was hurt but still, she did not soften herself.

Q. Who does ‘they’ refer to?

Ans. ‘They’ refers to the servants.

Q. What did the servants say purposely?

Ans. The servants talked about Sadao and Hana’s decision to keep the white man in the house.

Q. What was the name of the prisoner of war?

Ans. His name was Tom.

Q. Why did the prisoner of war feel hurt?

Ans. When the prisoner of war introduced himself as Tom, Hana did not show any emotions. This made him a bit hurt.

As for Sadao every day he examined the wound ……………….. Unfinished report into it.

  • On the other hand, Sadao used to go to the white man's room to examine him. Within a few days, he started recovering. The last stitches had been taken out. Dr Sadao thought that within two weeks the man would be strong enough and his wound would also heal.

  • Dr Sadao then started writing a report about what had happened. He addressed the report to the chief of the police and mentioned that on 21st February an escaped prisoner was found just in front of his house and thereafter stopped. He could not write anymore and kept the report in his secret drawer.

Q. When was the white man found?

Ans. He was found on the shore on 21st February.

Q. Do you think Dr Sadao used to care for the white man?

Ans. Dr Sadao used to care for the white man and that's why every day he went to examine him.

Q. What did Dr Sadao realise after examining the wound of the white man?

Ans. After examining the wound of the white man he realised that within a fortnight his wound would completely heal.

Q. What did Dr Sadao write in his report and to whom did he address?

Ans Dr Sadao addressed his letter to the chief of the police. He mentioned that on 21st February a prisoner of war was found on the beach in front of his house. But he could not complete it and kept the unfinished report in his secret drawer.

Q. Why did Dr Sadao not complete the report?

Ans. Once again Dr Sadao's humanity overpowered his enmity. He had already saved his life by performing surgery and possibly now he did not want that he should be arrested and go through the torture.

On the seventh day after that, ………………. Those scars! What were they? Sadao did not ask.

  • It was the 7th day since the white man had been brought. In the morning when Hana got up, she found that there had not been the cleaning of the house and even the food had not been prepared. She realised that the servants had decided to leave. She was shocked. But still, she held her head high. She did not want to show her emotions to the servants. She paid them and even thanked them. On the other hand, the servants were crying. Once again she was able to control her emotions.

  • Yumi went a few steps and came back crying and said to Hana that if the baby cried too much she should call. Hana thanked but resolved never to call even if the baby cried.

  • After the departure of the servants, Hana had to do all the household work. She prepared breakfast. on the other hand, Dr Sadao took care of the kids.

  • When Hana returned after giving breakfast to the white man, she expressed why they were not able to see what even the servants could. She also added why they were different from other Japanese.

  • Sadao did not answer. A little later he went to the white man's room and started talking to him so rudely. He instructed the white man to get on his feet for 5 minutes and then increase it. He noticed that there was a kind of terror in the eyes of the white man.

  • The white man told him that he should thank him (Sadao) for saving his life. Once again Dr Sadao was very harsh with him and told him it would be too early to thank him. In the meanwhile,  he noticed a red scar on his neck, but he didn't ask.

Q. Which two things happened on the seventh day since the white man had been brought to the house?

Ans. First of all the servants left. Secondly, in the afternoon a man in official uniform came to inform Sadao that the condition of the General was miserable and that he should visit the palace at once. Hana thought that the man had come to arrest  Sadao.

Q. What did Hana notice when she got up in the morning?

Ans. She noticed that the servants had made the bundle of their belongings and the household work remained undone.

Q. How did the servants behave while they were leaving?

Ans. All of them were crying as they were not leaving the house willingly.

Q. Describe the state of mind of Hana when she came to know that the servants were leaving.

Ans. Hana was frightened after knowing that the servants had decided to quit the job. But she did not show her emotions. She maintained the dignity of the mistress.

Q. Which aspect of Hana’s character has been highlighted here?

Ans. The whole episode shows that she was somewhat egoist.

Q. Why was Dr Sadao so harsh with the white man?

Ans. Dr Sadao was very much disturbed when his wife, whom he loved from the bottom of his heart, told him why they were not able to understand what even the servants could. Moreover, the servants had gone. All these made him angry and then he went to the white man's room and behaved so rudely.

Q. How did Dr Sadao behave when the prisoner of war told him that he should thank him?

Ans. Dr Sadao replied that it would be too early to thank him.

Q. What did Dr Sadao notice on the neck of the White man?

Ans. There was a red scar.

In the afternoon the second thing happened, …………………. Somehow I must get rid of him

  • In the afternoon a messenger in official uniform came to Dr Sadao. When Hana saw him she got frightened. Her hands became weak. She started thinking that the servants, who had left the house in the morning, must have informed the police and that's why the man in official uniform came to arrest Sadao.

  • The messenger had come to inform Sadao that the condition of the General was not good and he was in pain. The General was suffering from heart disease. The man in official uniform asked him to visit the palace.

  • After the departure of the man in official uniform, Hana sat down not because she was exhausted from the unaccustomed work but because of the fright.

  • When Dr Sadao came to say goodbye before going to the palace, Hana told that she thought the man had come to arrest him. In reply, Dr Sadao said that he would get rid of the white man.

Q. What was the second thing that happened on the seventh day since the white man had been brought?

Ans. A man in an official uniform visited Sadao to inform him about the suffering of the General and asked him to visit the palace to examine the General.

Q. How did Hana feel when she saw the man in the official uniform?

Ans. When Hana saw the man in the official uniform, she was so frightened. Her hands went weak and she found difficulty in breathing.

Q. What did Hana think when she saw the man in the official uniform?

Ans. Hana thought that the servants had informed the police. That's why the man in the official uniform came to arrest Sadao. 

Q. Why did the man in official uniform visit Sadao's house?

Ans. The man in the official uniform visited Sadao's house to inform him about the pain and suffering of the General and to ask him to visit the palace for an examination.

Q. What did Hana inform Dr Sadao when he came to say goodbye?

Ans. Hana told Dr Sadao that she thought the man had come to arrest him.

“Of course. The General said weakly,” I understand fully.”........... more exhausted from her fright than from work.

  • Dr Sadao reached the palace and examined the General and also told that he had a heart attack. Further, he said that he could bear just one more attack.

  • Thereafter Dr Sadao told everything about the white man to the General. But at the same time, he tried to give the impression to the General that he had operated on the white man, not because of any sympathy or kindness but just to have an experiment with his body.

  • Listening to this, the General appreciated Sadao saying that he was so skilled that he could save anybody's life. Further, he added that Dr Sadao had become more indispensable to him.

  • After hearing from Dr Sadao about the white man, the General told that he would not be arrested. He said suppose if he was arrested and executed and the next day if he required surgery then he would die.

  • Dr Sadao, listening to the General, said that there were other surgeons also. They could operate on him. But the General said that he did not trust any of them because they had been trained by Germans. During the operation, if he died they would call the operation successful.

  • The General also asked Sadao to try to combine American sentimentality with German ruthlessness. Sadao replied that he would try for his sake. Once again the General showed his sense of humour when he said he should not be the test case.


Q. What did Sadao tell the General about the prisoner of war?

Ans. He told the General how he found the white man near the seashore in front of his house and how he operated on him successfully. But at the same time, he expressed that he had nothing to do with him. He operated on just because he wanted to experiment on his body.

Q. What did the General remark after knowing that Dr Sadao had operated on a dying man and saved his life?

Ans. The General appreciated Dr Sadao and told that he had become more indispensable to him.

Q. What did Dr Sadao say about the General after examining him?

Ans. He told the General that he had a heart attack. Dr Sadao also told him that he could bear only one more attack.

Q. Why did the General tell Dr Sadao that he would not be arrested?

Ans. The General trusted only Dr Sadao. He did not trust other surgeons because they were trained by the Germans.

Q. Why did the General not trust other surgeons of Japan?

Ans. They were trained by the Germans and therefore they were ruthless.

Q. Give examples to show that the General had a good sense of humour?

Ans. First of all the General told Dr Sadao that if he was operated on by other surgeons and in case he died, still they would call the operation successful. Later on, when Dr Sadao told that he would try to combine American sentimentality with German ruthlessness for the sake of the General, the latter replied that he should not be the test case.

“It would be best if he could be quietly killed ……………… he agreed thinking of Hana”.

  • The General finally remarked it was unfortunate that the white man came in front of his house.

  • Then he offered Dr Sadao his services in getting rid of the white man. He said that he had a few private assassins. He would send one or two of them to his house to kill the white man.  According to the General, the assassins were experts in internal bleeding. Dr Sadao agreed when he thought about the problems faced by his wife because of the white man.

Q. What idea do you form about the General when you come to know that he had private assassins?

Ans. It once again shows how cruel the General was. He had so many assassins to get rid of his enemies.

Q. Why did Dr Sadao agree to get the white man killed?

Ans. All the servants had left the work. As a result, his wife was in trouble. Moreover, the white man's presence might put Dr Sadao and his family in a big trouble. 

He left the general's presence then went home ………….. “I must decide in a day or two” he promised.

  • While Dr Sadao was going back home, he was thinking about the whole thing. He thought it would be best to get the white man killed without his involvement.

  • Dr Sadao thought if he told his wife about the presence of assassins she would become frightened.

  • After returning from the General’s palace he did not show any expression. As usual, he went to the white man's room and found that he was preparing to go to the garden. Dr Sadao asked him who had permitted him to move out. In reply, the white man said happily that he was not used to the permission.  

  • The white man complained that there was some stiffness in the arm and Dr Sadao forgot everything and started examining the wound. He said that stiffness would go away either by massage or by exercise.

  • Later on, the white man started saying if he had not met a Japanese like him he must not have been alive. He wanted to thank him.

  • That night  Dr Sadao could not sleep properly. Whenever there was a slight sound like the displacing of stone or breaking of twigs or the rustling of leaves, he thought that the assassins had come and were killing the white man.

  • The next morning Dr Sadao got up early and headed towards the white man's room believing he had been killed by the Generals' assassins. But he found the white man sleeping. 

  • Hana asked what they were going to do with the white man. In reply, Dr Sadao said that he would decide in a day or two.

  • Dr Sadao thought that the second night would be fateful. The weather was also somewhat harsh as the wind was blowing. At one point in time, Hana wanted to go to the white man's room to close the door. But Dr Sadao said that the white man could do it himself. The next day he found that the white man was still alive

  • Dr Sadao thought the third night would surely be decisive. The night was somewhat stormy and it was raining also. Suddenly there was a crash and Hana also got up and cried and asked what that was. The baby also woke up. Once again Hana wanted to go to the white man's room but Dr Sadao did not allow it. In the morning when Dr Sadao found that the man was still there. 

Q. Why was Dr Sadao not able to sleep?

Ans. Dr Sadao could not sleep because he was thinking about the assassins and the white man. Whenever there was even little sound of displacement of stone or breaking of twigs, he thought that assassins had come to kill the white man.

Q. What does the old refrain refer to here?

Ans. It refers to Hana's words about what they were going to do with the white man.

Q. Did the assassins come?

Ans. No, the assassins did not come.

Q. What does it show about the General?

Ans. He had been thoroughly careless and that's why he did not send his private assassins despite making a promise to Dr Sadao.

Q. How was the third night?

Ans. The third night was stormy. It was raining heavily.

Sadao drew his kimono round his weary body ……….. The young man nodded in perfect comprehension. “Okay, he said simply.

  • Dr Sadao waited for the assassins for three consecutive nights, but he got nothing except disappointment. Therefore, finally, he thought that he could not wait anymore because if the man stayed, there would be more strain and more worry, especially since his wife would be in trouble.

  • Dr Sadao went to the white man's room and told him if he gave him his boat, he could row it to the nearby Island.

  • Dr Sadao had selected the nearby Island as the hiding place for the white man because of various reasons. It was quite safe as there was no population. The island submerged whenever there were storms and floods. Moreover, there had not been a fortification on the Island as it was very close to the shore. Dr Sadao also added that it was not the season of storms and floods and therefore, the man would be quite safe there.

  • The white man could not find any safer place in Japan than Sadao's house. That was the reason that he hesitated a little and asked if he had to. Dr Sadao replied that his presence was not a burden for him or his wife but many people knew that he was there and that might be troublesome not only for Sadao and his family but also for the white man. Finally, the white man agreed

Q. What did Dr Sadao decide when the assassins did not come for three nights?

Ans. Dr Sadao decided to send the white man to the nearby island.

Q. Why did Dr Sadao choose the nearby island as the hiding place for the white man?

Ans. The island was quite safe as there was no population because it submerged whenever there were storms and floods. Furthermore, it had not been fortified.

Q. Why was the white man a little hesitant to go to the nearby Island?

Ans. Anywhere in Japan, his life was in danger. Dr Sadao's house was the safest place for him. That's why he was hesitating to leave his house.

Sadao did not see him again until evening ……….. “The servants will come back as soon as the foreigner is gone”, Sadao said.

  • Dr Sadao went to the market the next day to purchase food and other things for the white man. From a pawn shop, he purchased two quilts and also some food and bottled water. He put all the things in his boat and hid it. He did not have to face any trouble because it was a moonlit night.

  • Dr Sadao did not tell anybody even his wife about his plan. When he returned home, he tried to give the impression that he had just returned from work. Hana informed Dr Sadao that Yumi had come and she told that she was missing the babies. In reply, Dr Sadao said as soon as the white man went away, the servants would return.

Q. Why did Dr Sadao go to market?

Ans. To purchase food and clothing for the white man for his stay on the nearby Island.

Q. Where did he hide all the items purchased from the market?

Ans. In his boat.

Q. What did Hana inform about Yumi?

Ans. Hana told Sadao that Yumi had arrived that day. She further added that she was very much disturbed and concerned about the baby. 

Q. Who said the servants would come back as soon as the white man went away?

Ans. Dr Sadao told these words to his wife because he was going to send the white man to the nearby island that night. 

He went into the guest room that night …………. Then he closed the partition. That night he slept.

  • Despite all the odds, Dr Sadao never stopped doing his duty. He continued to examine the white man and gave him instructions and even asked him to take some precautions.

  • Dr Sadao went to the white man’s room to examine him. He felt his pulse as well as his heartbeat. Dr Sadao in reality wanted to see if the white man was strong and healthy enough to go to the nearby island and stay for some time. Dr Sadao noticed that the man was quite well, but his heartbeat was a bit faster. Dr Sadao was not worried at all because he knew that the heart was beating a bit faster because of excitement, not because of any disease or any other reason.

  • The white man whose name was Tom thanked Sadao for saving his life. In reply, Dr Sadao said that he could not keep him in the house because of the inconvenience.

  • Dr Sadao gave the white man his flashlight. Then he gave him specific instructions. He asked the white man to use the flashlight at dusk, not in the darkness because it would be noticed. Further, he instructed the white man to flash once if he stayed and had food and flash twice if he ran short of food. He also suggested him to catch fresh fish and eat it, but he would have to eat raw because the fire would be noticed.

  • Dr Sadao also dressed the white man in Japanese clothes and even covered his head with black cloth in a Japanese style. Finally, he said goodbye. For some time Dr Sadao remained standing outside watching him and then he returned and after many days he slept adequately.

Q. Why did Dr Sadao examine the white man before the latter started his journey to the nearby island?

Ans. Dr Sadao was a very concerned person and a doctor with a great sense of duty. He examined the white man to make sure if he was strong enough for the journey/new destination.

Q. While examining the white man Dr Sadao observed that his heartbeat was a bit faster. What conclusion did he draw?

Ans. Dr Sadao realised that the white man’s heartbeat was faster due to excitement.

Q. What did Dr Sadao give the white man and why?

Ans. Dr Sadao gave the white man his flashlight because he wanted to remain updated. He instructed the white man to flash at dusk once if he had food and twice if he ran short of food. He also cautioned him not to lit fire because it would be noticed.

Q. How had Dr Sadao dressed the white man?

Ans. Dr Sadao dressed the white men in Japanese style and even covered his head with black cloth.

“You say the man escaped?” the General asked faintly. He had been operated upon a week before, an emergency………………………. “You are a good man,” the General murmured and closed his eyes.” “You will be rewarded.”

  • After the departure of the white man, all the servants returned. Yumi burnt sulphur in the room because she wanted to drive away the smell of the white man. On the other hand, the gardener was angry because the chrysanthemums had not been appropriately cared for.

  • Meanwhile, the condition of the General became bad to worse and Dr Sadao had to operate on him. For some time, Dr Sadao was unsure whether the man would survive or not. But finally, he got to his senses and asked for food.

  • A little later Dr Sadao informed the general that the white man had escaped. Listening to this the general asked Dr Sadao if he had not told that he would get him killed. Dr Sadao started coughing. In reality, he wanted to convey to the general that he did not keep his promise.

  • At this point, the general realised what he had done. Therefore, he started giving an explanation saying that he was suffering so much that he forgot his promise. Further, he told Dr Sadao that it was not a lack of patriotism or dereliction(neglect) of duty but that he got so absorbed in his illness that he could not remember anything.

  • Thereafter the general asked Dr Sadao not to let the matter come into public and further added that he would be rewarded.  Dr Sadao at this point realised that the general was in the palm of his hand and as a result, he and his family were perfectly safe.

Q. Why was the surgery of the general somewhat complicated?

Ans. It was because the gallbladder was involved.

Q. What did Yumi do when she returned after the departure of the white man?

Ans. Yumi burnt sulphur because she wanted to drive away the white man's smell from the room as well as the house.

Q. Why was the gardener angry after the return to Sadao's house?

Ans. The gardener was angry because his chrysanthemums had not been properly cared for.

Q. What did Dr Sadao inform the general about the white man when the latter regained consciousness after the surgery?

Ans. Dr Sadao informed the general that the white man had escaped.

Q. What explanation did the general give for not sending the assassins?

Ans. He told the doctor that it was not the lack of patriotism or dereliction of duty but it was all because of his absorption in illness that he forgot to send private assassins to kill the white man.

Q. What did Dr Sadao try to convey by his coughing?

Ans. Dr Sadao wanted to say by coughing that he had not expressed everything. In other words, he wanted to give the impression to the general that it was because of his carelessness that the white man escaped.

Q. When did Dr Sadao realise that the general was in the palm of his hands?

Ans. When the general realised his mistake for not sending the assassins to Dr Sadao's house, he started giving explanations. The general told Dr Sadao that he had forgotten because of his illness and also requested Sardao not to let the matter come into public. Moreover, he said to Sadao that he would be rewarded. At this point, Dr Sadao realised that the general was in the palm of his hands and he and his family were perfectly safe.

But Sadao, searching the spot of black in the twilighted ………………………. only for a Korean fishing boat.

  • That evening Dr Sadao was searching for the spot But he did not find any. It was a clear indication that the man had gone. Dr Sadao had specially asked him if he found a Korean fishing boat he should leave. For Dr Sadao, it was a kind of reward.

Q. What was the reward that Sadao got?

Ans. That particular evening there was no flash from the nearby Island. It was a clear indication that the white man had got a Korean fishing boat and escaped. It was a kind of reward for him.

He stood for a moment on the veranda, gazing out to the sea from whence the young man had come that ……………………………… “Strange,” he thought. “I wonder why I could not kill him?” 

  • When Dr Sadao realised that the white man had escaped, he went into the past. He remembered all those people whom he had met in America. He remembered the American professor Harley as well as his wife who had been so kind towards the foreign students. He also remembered how he met Hana at their residence. He also recalled his American professor of anatomy who always told his students to be kind with the knife. 

  • Dr Sadao also remembered it was quite difficult for him to get lodging in America due to enmity between America and Japan. Then he got lodgings in the poor locality. The landlady was an old woman whom he hated. On the other hand, she also despised him. Once he had an attack of influenza and that very woman nursed him. Dr Sadao wanted to thank her but could not.

  • Then he remembered the thin face of the white men whose life he had saved and provided a safe passage. Then he questioned to himself why did not kill the white man.

Q. What did Dr Sadao remember about Professor Harley and his wife?

Ans. Dr Sadao recalled that Professor Harley and his wife were good and kind human beings. 

Q. What did Dr Sadao remember about his American professor of anatomy?

Ans. Dr Sadao remembered his American professor of anatomy who always insisted on being kind with the knife. In other words, the professor of anatomy wanted to give a message to his students to be kind towards the patient.

Q. How was Sadao's relationship with his landlady in America?

Ans. Dr Sadao and his landlady hated each other. Possibly both of them considered themselves superior to each other. But once Dr Sadao wanted to show his gratitude when the landlady nursed in while he was suffering from influenza.

Also Read:

Class 12 English CBSE

Flamingo Prose

Lost Spring                                        
Deep Water                                                                          
Poets And Pancakes                          
The Interview                                                                              

Flamingo Poetry

My Mother At Sixty Six .


Writing Portion

Article Writing


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